.:*Wind Facility*:. Download = http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21373498 Slideshow = HISTORY of the site: This ancient but once powerful energy power plant has been left sitting in the far reaches of Mt. Kilamonjaro close to the town of Voi. It was abandoned after the orbital elevator fell due to the intense attack of Africa by the Covanant late in the war. Eversince the first landings of Covanant troops, the facility has been used as a base for incoming Covies from the motherships. The marines of the 101st air defense company led by Spartan 224, known as Smith, have been assigned to take back the area as well as the power plant itself. Once taken over, the facility will serve as a training ground for the Spartan 4 project as well as a powerful resource for the UNSC main battleships. Details: The Wind Facility is meant for teamslayer, and lonewolves, gametypes. The map has well balanced weapons and lacks vehicles. CTF is an optional game as well for this intense battleground. Weapons = Battle Rifle, Rockets, Needler, Carbine, Plasma Pistol, Brute Shot, Laser, Sniper Rifle, Mauler, Shotgun, and Energy Sword. !No Vehicles!
First Post Looks like a fun map to play on with not to many open spaces. It could do with a bit more interlocking to make it smoother though 4/5 (i'll make it a 5/5 if u interlock )
Map layout looks fantastic. But some interlocking is needed to make the map(not just the layout) fantastic. I like the big tunnel like thing. I like seeing maps that have a story behind them, not saying that they're neccessarily better I just like reading about the story the person makes. Also it appears to have almost every power weapon, I dont like a large variety in power weapons. It does seem that it would be great for FFA. Also, I cant tell if the foundry bases blocked off or not. Are they?
just like what flymingo said the wind tunnel is the best part i also like the place you put your turrets because more than likely there will be a big combat zone in the wind tunnel
Just like predator and flymingo said, the "wind tunnel" is definitely the maps main feature and I think you did that justice. Good Work. I'm not going to rate the map because I do not have the ability to play on it anymore and that would be unfair to the OP.
First off, your map looks great. It has a very neat and tidy feel to it (from the screens) which is always a bonus. The area which i can only describe as a 'gutter' in the 4th pic (3rd one down in the main block of pics) looks excellent and well constructed. I do however question your inclusion of every power-weapon (except the Grav Hammer). I will download and get back to you with comments.
This Looks fresh and new compared to some others I've seen. The central Theme seems to make the map. How many BRs do you have? I think the BR would make this map feel great.
It is a good thing you reminded me because i had actually planned on commenting on this map... I did my forge through yesterday. It was a pretty good map for a more recent member of forgehub. I thought that the "wind tunnel" itself was remarkably well done, must have taken you a good while to make that neat. It was a pretty unique concept for a map too, incorporating a wind tunnel into competitive play. Maybe I'll have more too say once I have played on it.