I'm inclined to buy it, but I'm going to wait for some reviews etc. first. It may be ****, another half-arsed thing from Bungie. I hope not though.
It's not one of my top priorities. Plus as of now I'm trying to save my money lol. But I guess some of that could change before september or whenever it comes out. It looks like it will be fun but idk if it will be worth $70.
Good thing they aren't pricing it as $70 I think I will, if not for the game, but for the maps, it actually looks like a lot of fun, and I like the idea.
i will definately be buying the game. I am super interested to see how they tie in the story and the new gameplay. additionally, im sure it'll be worth getting for the new maps.
I'm very interested in getting it. I want to play through the story with the new "settings". And I'm pretty sure it will be 40$ but I'm not positive.
I'll see what the reactions are to the game first. Still need to get Halo Wars though. Getting it Saturday I hope.
No, it suggests that it is what it is, an addon to Halo 3. They can reuse so much of the code from Halo 3 that ODST in Bungie's eyes isn't even a new game. A lesser game company would title it Halo 4 or just plain Halo: ODST and charge us the full $60, but Bungie called it Halo 3: ODST for the very specific reason that it is built on Halo 3 technology. They are also pricing it appropriately.