I think everyones talking **** about its lasting appeal now, but it'll do it. Also, GoW? the second game didnt even dent halo 3, and it died only a few months later. Whats going to be THAT different about the next one? For the record, I own and play both Gears, but they are pretty dead games. Halo 3 however, is still very lively in MOST aspects.
To be fair Halo 3 didn't quite match my expectations. In one area. I STILL HAVEN'T FLOWN A PELICAN DARN IT!!! Put that in Reach, and I'll be content. The Beta showed me that everything worked ie, no horrible glitches like SOME games we may all know
Halo has kept it's life because of its highly customizable customs and forge, theatre, etc. And they do it well, and that's the major factor. Some games try, but fail, and that's Why halo is good.
Bungie's the only developer that has given me so much in an FPS. While most FPS titles only offer gamers a single player campaign (That usually sucks cause the focus these days is all multiplayer) and a multiplayer that's very limited. Halo Reach offers a great Co-op campaign. A diverse and extensive multiplayer ranging from Assault to Racing. More custom game options than we had in Halo 3 opening up to whole new ways to play. An updated forge at least (I'm waiting for them to drop the bombshell on that.) A theater mode for all the great things that have improved the community like screenshots, funny clips, and machinima, A file share system to help community content to spread, and even a Firefight mode that's been updated with matchmaking and customizable features. How could any of us not be impressed by all the Bungie is giving us for only $60? More importantly when will other studios start being held to the same standards? Even if Forge and Custom games don't change that much, I will still be blown away by Halo Reach. It'll take over 90% of my online play for the next year and a half just like Halo 3 did if not more if the updates to forge and custom games are as big as I'm expecting them to be
Thats half the population of the planet... Anyways, I do think it can and will be better than all those games. The only games i can think of that can compete would be fallout new vegas and gears 3 and maybe black ops if it has zombies.
You're an idiot. I could individually debate against different points in your logic but it'd be a waste of my time. "lolol Halo won't compete with GoW3. By the time it comes out (April) people will be like what they are with MW2 now. "I'm tired of it. Gameplay sucks. So boring. Nothing to do." Right, because Halo 3 (which is 3 years old) is still one of the top played games on Xbox Live. And with Reach only building on that in terms of...well, everything, do you honestly expect it to die by April? Is that a joke? Reach has absolutely no threats coming out, anytime soon. The possibly biggest is Black Ops, and the way the last CoD title not made by Infinity Ward went, I don't think we have anything to worry about. Well Halo has one of the largest competitive groups out of any game out at this moment. In fact, MLG really wouldn't be known if it wasn't for the Halo franchise.
I'm completely willing to put money on Black Ops failing horribly in every aspect. To me, there's no way it's even a contender in such a race. It's most likely going to be just like the other useless in-between CoD games that just died out in a few months. See: Call of Duty 3 and WaW (both compliments of treyarch i might add) I don't think Reach will be as earth shattering as some think, but it will stick around like a cockroach much like Halo 3. I'm wherever the majority of the online community is at, nothing is more fun than shooting the **** with friends, and Halo Reach will most likely have a lot of **** to shoot if you catch my drift.
That's exactly what I think as well. Black Ops did not look very impressive to me and although I never played WaW, I've heard Treyarch's games are nothing compared to Infinity Ward's. I'm not expecting such an earth-shattering difference between Halo 3 and Reach. The gameplay will be pretty similar, the campaign will be fun (but co-op will not be too great and replayability will be somewhat limited), firefight will be fun but will quickly become old (unless they made a significant change from ODST). I am, however, expecting some great new capabilities from custom game settings. Those will keep players around for a while. I still don't think Forge will be anything to write home about--it will certainly be an upgrade from Halo 3's Forge but it will not be nearly as powerful a tool as we all hope it will be. Still, a steady stream of custom maps will continue for at least a year or two after the release, at which point Reach's popularity might begin to decline slightly like Halo 3. That's what I think, at least. And what I FINALLY want from Bungie is to really make an effort to hide campaign skulls. I've always enjoyed glitching out of maps in any game, and I seriously want some frantic yet long-term searches for the skulls. Unfortunately, I know they'll never do that. They've proven that the best they'll do is the Halo 3 IWHBYD skull (which was found by modders very quickly) or the Sandbox skull, which took no one more than a minute to retrieve.
I think we'll see a pretty big drop in Call of Duty come time for Black Ops. I think Medal of Honor, and Halo Reach will be coming out on top at the end of this year. I know there will still be plenty of Call of Duty Fanboys who will cough up the extra 60 for Black Ops. But I think a lot more people are getting tired of Activision's lack of ability to care for its own developers (That made them so much money) and players who are stuck with a glitch filled, hackers galore shooter. Gears of War 3 will take its place just as it has before. (Honestly this one looks 10x better than the last two and that's saying something.) And Halo will once again hold about an average of 300,000 people on at one time come Reach. If not more, I'm excited for it all and I hope these next two months fly by because I can't wait too much longer for Reach.
okay, i've decided to narrow all of my other crap into this: Altogether, what the Halo series really serves is user customization. And i have a huge-arsed hunch that Halo Reach will explode as soon as those user-created maps and gametypes are recognized at large. In other words, my best bet is for bungie to continually put user-created maps and game variants into matchmaking in some form of a weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly updated cycle where maps are constantly forged, tested, and implemented into matchmaking. Yes it may be difficult, but personally i feel without this, Reach will simply be another game in the halo series.
Halo 3 stands up against MW2, I'm pretty sure Reach will crush Black Ops. Not that I think Black Ops will be overrated, but the Halo series just has a more laid back, balanced feel to it, which keeps us, me for sure, coming back for more day after day, even while its on its last legs. (God that feels good to say!)