Wildstylez Description This is a symmetrical map for slayers (team is the best), ctf (multi flag) and assault (neutral) mods. Pictures Overview One side Base Red starting point (above text) and Blue flag spawn (below text). Bedroom Bath Middle 1 - shield Middle 2 - Sniper Outside Video Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download Download Wildstylez Post scriptum There is a little Easter Egg in Wildstylez
For the curious, a translation: Red starting point (above text) and Blue flag spawn (below text). ----------------------------------------------- This is a lovely map; I'm much a fan of the simple and spacious layout, where just the right amount of cover and geometry are used. Moreover, the precision with which the map has been made is truly admirable, and contributes a great deal to the clean, smart look of Wildstylez. I like it. -=Moxus=-
Enjoyment: Wildstylez definitely has a flair that I haven't seen in a while, but unfortunately the map's design needs an overhaul before it's even in the same range as "fun". The two objective gametypes the map Wildstylez supports (CTF and Bomb) don't translate well to the map due to its design, although it does play a tentative game of Team Slayer. You will either love Wildstylez for its simplicity, or hate it for whatever reasons people hate maps. 2/10 Balance: Wildstylez only has two routes of travel, a long winding path to the right of the base, or a much shorter path through a tunnel between them. Because of the Overshield located in the middle of this tunnel, compiled with the fact it is the fastest way to the other side, in objective games players will find themselves only trying to travel though the overshield entrance, and once there it's almost impossible to prevent a capture or plant. The longer path to the other side features a regen half-way for each team, with a sniper rifle in the middle, which unfortunately is useless for sniping in such a small map, even if you can manage to get it outside. 2/10 Durability: The map can be esacped either by grenade jumping in the centre, or jumping with assistance on top of the tunnel. Each team has only two major spawn areas, making it too easy to predict enemy spawns for easy caps/ plants in objective games, or spawn trapping the other team in Team Slayer. 5/10 Aesthetics: Aside from some slight Z-fighting and a particualrly large 'hop' on each side, there is not much negative to say about Wildstylez. It uses scaffolding and the noclip "poles" from Tin Cups to create criss-crossed bars to much aplom. The map is still quite simple though: it isn't as visually spectacular as it could be, and while the map isn't sloppy, I wouldn't say that it was created as neatly as it could have been either. 4/10 Originality: Wildstyles doesn't break down any barriers in what you expect to see from a cyrpt map, but the way it spaces the two teams so that they can see each other at the beggining, but not do much damage through the bars is pretty cool in effect. The map seems like it was based around a few structures and ideas however, and doesn't really develop into its own wholly original concept. 3/10 Enjoyment: 2/10 Balance: 2/10 Durability: 5/10 Aesthetics: 4/10 Originality: 3/10 16/50