Wild Storm

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by comport9, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. comport9

    comport9 Promethean

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    First time posting here. Not sure I got the links correctly... if not, let me know how to fix them and I will.

    I just recently found the map-making for Reach. It's pretty good, but still leaves a LOT to be desired. Hopefully Halo 4's is better. Anyways, on to the map.

    For my first map, instead of starting from scratch, I decided to modify someone elses. "Bridge" by Noxix253 is the original map. After deleting a few things by accident though (and not having a "back" feature!?) and making some additions, it's very much a different map. It definitely won't win ascetic awards, but it's works. :)


    Little background: I don't play online, I only play local with my GF's kids. (10 and 12). And we nearly always play with infinite ammo Rockets. So first and foremost, I made it so that we could enjoy it. (Can only play "Guardian" so many times...) That said, I have added CTF and King of the Hill to it as well.

    So I hope you enjoy it and I'm open to all comments. (BTW, I've already completed two more maps, original this time, so I've learned a lot and they look WAY better.)

    Edit: Ok, I think I have the links done correctly. :)
    #1 comport9, Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  2. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    this one looks more descent, but pleas, no more explosives, especially in the quantity you use.

    also, could you clean up your map a little more, this one actually shows some promise, but you need to make it look more like a building and less like floating platforms.
  3. comport9

    comport9 Promethean

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    haha. FEWER explosions!? I was upset there wasn't more. :p We love blowing stuff up, so I put a bunch of them in here. We play up to 50, so lots of death. :)
  4. SimmonsZore

    SimmonsZore Promethean

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    you could have put alot more time into this use less buildings almost the whole map is made of them.

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