The objective of this map is to con trol the top of the tower. Simple? With 4 Grivlifts, 4 ramps, and 4 man cannons this is soon to be a wild ride. A assortment of wild wepons like shotguns and grenades make things interesting. Best number of players is 6-12 any more it lags and takes to long and any less and it goes to slow. Any comments on this map will be welcome Ssor22 images should work now
Hello new member and welcome to forgehub. As you visit this site more often, you will get used to everyone and discover what a close knit community we are. However, I can see your post isn't quite in line with the posting rules. If you would please read this topic for information instructing you on proper posting and rules. Thank you, and if you have any further questions please contact me by sending me a private message.
welcome to and to tell you this map is not up to standards and that means that you need to embedd pics. i suggest that you use photobucket. It works the best in my opinion by the way congrats on the ranger upgrade Brute Captain
Just an FYI i did not say before, this is the only map that i have gotten a +95% enjoyment rating from random in other words thhis has gotten great reviews from live thats why i put it here.