I am a lefty, and since right is my weaker side.. When someone whispers into my right ear, it sends this wierd tingling feeling down my neck and spine. And when I'm listening to music, I have to stop sometimes because it's just so unbearable and annoying. Does anyone else have this issue?
maybe some kind of bizarre ear infection? yeah i'd go see a doctor. probably give you some pills. you'll be good in a week. or yell until it goes away
It is amazing how many people ask Forgehub for advice on topics which nobody here can help with. But srsly go see a doctor.
It's all just a subconscious thing, methinks. Like, whenever I think about my nose, I get this really uncomfortable feeling like someone's pushing down on it. But no one is. Same concept. OSHI- MY NOSE GAHHH
I recommend you test it out a bit, before going to a doctor. Make sure it is just music that does this before wasting money on what could be trivial. Ask yourself these questions... 1. How long have I had it? 2. Should my parents know? 3. Do I think I should be concerned? Then just do what you want, but always tell your parents first though.
just wait it out...soon obama will let you go to the doctor for free, and you'll also get a clunker when you do it.
Quick question: Do you surf, jetski or swim in sea water a lot? I heard about this condition where your ears build up this rocky-like stuff in them from seawater. Maybe this has formed in your ear and the air entering your ear is like tickling the inside of your ear? I dunno. Maybe it's ear hair, or some generic grit in your ear?
Wow thats wierd. I doubt its because your left side is dominant though. You might wanna have a doctor check it out
Aliens man. Listen to them! I'm also a lefty, and they've been communicating with me for weeks now. I can't tell you here, but just know, we're going to be the only survivors after-.........
I love how you mentioned you were left-handed, as if that would have something to do with it... Actually, yes, because you're left-handed your brain chemistry is different from normal people. Due to this altered brain chemistry, you are susceptible to "Weak-sided ear tickle disease" Weak-sided ear tickle disease: Caused due to parasites that are drawn to the altered chemistry in your brain, think of it like a pheromone. The parasites try to get as close to the scent given off by your brain chemistry as possible; this is usually through the right-side nostril or the right-side ear. The parasites choose the right side because it is weaker and more susceptible to infiltration in left-handed people. Once they have successfully entered, the parasite stimulates the region, this can be felt as a tickling sensation in the nose or ear, they do this to release more of the chemicals in your brain. A noticeable side-effect of the disease is that it may make you smarter, due to increased brain activity. There is no need to see a doctor since the parasites are actually beneficiary to your well-being and only reduce your overall life-expectancy by 20 years, no worse than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day!
It may be a tickle spot on you, im not sure. I know that when some people get really close to me to whisper in my ear it tickles the small hairs and i can feel them getting really close, but has it even tingled down my side? No.
The tingeling feeling would be your nervous system? Does it feel central and like other tingling feelings you have felt? (not going into them..) If so then it sounds like an ear problem and not a back one. You might have a perforated ear drum. Is it painful at all?