Lately i have been asking why to a lot of things. Questioning everything, unsure about the truth. My opinions used to be the ideas of people i knew but now i am making my own opinions and by doing that i have realized that i am one of the only people doing so. A lot of my friends just say and think about problems just the way there parents do. But i found that if you ask them why they dont know or its just the general response of its bad. I have read the debate forum and i realize that most of the people in there just say a stupid reponse that is the same as there parents. I just want u all to try to make sure you use your own opinions i know alot of you do but it really ticks me off when people dont use there own opinion. So just work on it thanks.
This has been a long overdue post. Thanks for having the enthusiasm for doing so. Parents should realize that they have a huge influence on their offspring's disposition or opinions towards people and subjects, and children should realize that they should be more open to others' thoughts and feelings. I've been lucky enough to have been raised by openly thinking parents.
i do agree that people should speak their mind and form thier own opinions. this is good youve realized that. good post.
I'm like my dad. Some of his manorisms have rubbed off on me. My dad is blunt. He is very truthful, I'm like that most of the time. But I do give my own opinions. His views havent rubbed off on me though. But yes, a lot of people in the world (not just forgehub)are sheep.
I was actually just outside with my dog thinking about this! I realize now I'm just going to let my kid(s) solve problems on their own, unless their life is in danger, so they can think for themselves.
It's a question we've been asking ourselves a lot lately with the economy going to crap. Why there are terrible things happening all over the world. I've never acted like my parents in my life. I've always searched for my answers although they always tried to tell me they were correct. Anyways, I know what you're talking about and I agree.
It's so easy for everyone, including the author of this to say that they don't just follow the leader, and play the sheep. But I wonder how many of you actually are legitimate when you say that. As I know that it can be easier said then done when trying to act above the influence (Haha, weed commercial -_-). I don't know...Just saying...
Tex i agree with you it is easier to say that you have your own opinions than it is to really have opinions but i assure you that i do. My dad and i always have talks about whats going on in the world (cause no one else i know really knows whats going on) and i always have to debate him cause frankly some of his opinions are stupid i admit that i used to be a sheep but now i understand.
I never follow, but lead, I feel what I think has greater power then someone else's though, although do not think I'm ignorant, I respect your opinion, although I do not see the reason to follow something you do not fully understand what it stands for, as many of us do without knowing it... This is my opinion upon this topic.... Also good post... 5/5