I wear Rogue because it looks smaller. Not because of some stupid gameplay thing, but because most of the other helmets look a little too engorged to me. Like they all seem fat compared to Rouge and the Default, and I just think Rouge looks cooler.
about the visor thing, don't hyabusa, EOD, and Scout have similar, if not smaller visors? why rouge? also, i wear rouge.
Why Rogue? Because it was a badass picture, and no matter what armor was used, SOMEONE would be all like "blah, i dont like that armor, please change it to my preferential armor of choice".
or, you could have used my theme Although i'm sure people would ***** about just about anything. So...its kind of unavoidable. I'm just still crying on the inside because my 3+ hours of theme creation lead to nothing...
i use rouge, plainly because it looks awesome with certain other armour combos. anyway, think about it. y would bungie make it easier/harder to hit certain helmets, it would ruin matchmaking. as with elites, its possible to kill an elite from behind in SWAT, ive done it many a time.
I used to use Rogue but after a while it got boring and didn't look as cool to me as I had originally thought, so now I use Security, because I think it looks pimpin... Individuality ftw. And Rogue is no better than EOD, Hayabusa, Security, the Marks, CQB or anything else. It's all in the mentality.
i personally use odst/mark vi for the look i hate elites in swat if you dont want to be shot run with your head down works for me
I wear Rouge all the time. And I haven't had any Generals say anything to me, but there was this one game in MLG where we were winning Oddball on Guardian like 180 to 50, and this kid just went off on my helmet. He got so mad that I wouldn't change it after the game, he just stopped playing altogether. And as our ship sunk he just laughed. They came back and won, and the kid still screamed. I swear my ear was bleeding. But, no, Rouge isn't any different than Mark VI.
My opinion of the rouge helmet well is uhh i hate it it looks kinda lame and really isn't the best helmet choice. I would say the best helmet choice would be Mark V| or hyabusa.