why is there no multi-team CTF?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Day0fJustice, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. Day0fJustice

    Day0fJustice Ancient
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    many things were not put into halo 3 that people were expecting but most have a good reason behind why they weren't put in. but why the hell is there no way to choose any team other than red and blue for CTF? Halo 2 had multi-team CTF on foundation, why can't you forge your own maps for multi-team? immediately when halo 3 came out the first thing my friend and i forged was a marine ctf game on the pit. with everything set exactly how we wanted it in the game we went to make the game type had everything how we thought it should be. but once we got the 16 players, 4 teams of 4, we were limited to only red and blue. this seems totally stupid to me and i was wondering if anyone else noticed that and wanted to complain about it with me. haha ???
  2. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Don't worry justice... your not the only one...
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I'm thinking it was probably a mistake, not intentional.
    It makes no sense that this was left out of MP/Forge.
  4. Ty

    Ty Guest

    It might of just slipped their minds because there was no 4-way symetrical maps at launch or in the first wave of DLC. They may have just forgotten about it.
  5. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    You never know... all I want though is that stupid "Immunity to Assassinations" Option for custom games... if we could get that, I would be happy.
  6. Day0fJustice

    Day0fJustice Ancient
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    yeah immune to assassinations would be beautiful. they have immune to head shots already you'd think they would have thrown that one in.

    and yeah i understand that there were no 4 way symmetrical maps but if they would have thought about it AT ALL they would have known that people could easily forge their own CTF games. especially since you have the option on the flags to set team numbers beyond attackers and defenders. it seems like they intended to throw it in there but didn't get to the custom game lobby to put it all into play.
  7. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Think of it this way. When they where setting the gametypes and variants Foundry was a distant idea, so they weren't expecting to have a use for 4 way capture games, they probably left them out on purpose, didn't have time, or straight up forgot.
  8. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    The only reason they have the flags able to do ALL teams, is because there is a Team attribute that comes standard with all 8 teams as options. They just used the same attribute for all of the objects that were team-based (hence ALL team-based objects have teams 1-8 regardless of application).
  9. Day0fJustice

    Day0fJustice Ancient
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    yeah that makes sense AZN. but to me, it doesn't seem like it's actually that far from them changing something to make it happen. i think i remember reading in the newest post bungie said they were coming out with more tournament style maps, so with some luck maybe they'll bring in 4 flag when the new maps come out. they didn't originally have 4 flag ctf in halo 2 until Foundation came out which was one of the tourney maps that they released. so hopefully they play the same cards and are just waiting for the right time to make the public happy.
  10. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    It will take an auto-update to cover that, because that requires a change directly into the code... since they have it set for the Team Attribute to cover MANY objects, they would have to add a more specific Attribute that would inherit traits from the Team Attribute, but would be more restrictive in options.
  11. Day0fJustice

    Day0fJustice Ancient
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    oh yeah they'd definitely need to update. coming out with a new map pack wouldn't do the trick solely. i just really hope they come out with it. there's nothing i loved more than seeing someone get so close to their base with a flag then killing them and walking it back to my base instead lol.
  12. scardypoopoo

    scardypoopoo Ancient
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    Whatever happened to neutral flag? They have the option for a neutral flag spawn point but it doesn't work....Sometimes I doubt Bungies intelligence...not really though....
  13. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    There's never been neutral Flag... if there is one Flag then its one-sided never neutral. And it has a neutral option for the same reason that it has teams 3-8... it is built in to the Team Attribute...
  14. Sagan

    Sagan Ancient
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    The same thing is true for assualt game types......you can drop bomb spawns and plant points specified to all 8 teams, but only R v B come up in gameplay.......a real PITA.
  15. scardypoopoo

    scardypoopoo Ancient
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    No no no no...I mean neutral flag in Halo 2...They got rid of it in halo 3
  16. Dojorkan

    Dojorkan Ancient
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    Basically you could say its a Copy+paste job. =P

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