Soo.. is anyone else getting tired of infection? I mean, it's cool and all. But I'm tired of getting my hopes up when I see my friends in customs, only to find out it's an infection game.
lol, yea infection is one of those game types that you play every now and then, not consistantly. Same with any other though really. Otherwise it gets boring. All slayer matches are boring, all Assault, CTF, KOTH and so on. Mix it up and it's sweet as.
I wish more people thought like everyone here. All my friends are interested in is Slayer slayer slayer slayer. Then I go online and all my friends there are interested in Infection infection infection infection. asdiofandsf. I hate it. Whenever I even attemt to change it to something else everyone flips out and starts smacking the crap out of the X button.
I guess infection is all right, but I think it is mostly the kind they play. This includes -rigged humans in a base -fat kid -and other stupid variants -normal also gets boring after awhile This DOES NOT include -unique gametypes such as -Crystal catalyst -hobo heights (or is this juggernaut, I forget) -other minigames using infection I believe zombie maps need to be unique, not a giant fortress that makes the human invincible... I am currently working on a very aesthetic map that will use the zombie gametype. The humans will NOT know who the zombie is or where their allies are until they are a shotgun distance way, which is too late.
Yeah, I can't stand when they make zombies have zero shield, they have BRs and Shotty's, yet they all cram into one tiny room.
I prefer when zombies have no shield,makes them more zombiey rather than a human on the other team. Its just when the idiots dont make them damage resistant that it pisses me off.You change the style of gameplay if you have a tough shieldless.No shields same as normal tho and you just have a poor guy whos gonna be camped repeatedly
I loathe infection due to the horrible experiences I"ve had playing it. I also hate the rude random invites that pop up in my case at least,after every BTB or social game. I think I"d enjoy it to a point if maps were a bit more competitive and people actually sent you a message as to what they're inviting you to. That and not enough people enjoy a good game of CTF man CTF rocks.
I dig no shield, though. It makes zombies enjoyable for me. It's just when every single human wants to camp one room even though the zombies are weak.
I like to think Cervantes 2 is one such Aesthetic infection map...though I look forward to playtesting it with some of the people from Forgehub to see what other people think of it.
Wow guys, thanks. I left this thread alone for a few days, and I got an amazing response. Maybe this infection gametype is like a disease, sweeping over the over-crowded cities of easily entertained people who really just want to have unlimited ammo and instant kill zombie games.
Hey gueys chek 00t ma uber l337 infecti0n map wid c0l0rbl1nd onz!!!!! IZ HERE!!! Lol im kidding but eyah there are loads of them
i don't know, for some reason its additcive, i think becuase its a laid back game type and its allways chaing, also alot of little kids like to see the medals fly when they put instant kill on, on a teleporter and set up a turret and think there so good dont get me rong some infection maps are great and fair
I agree that most infection maps you see are either really weak zombies and really strong humans or the other way around. Or have some kind of huge base, but really, it's not that hard to find a good one, and once you do, save it. Only one of my zombies games is rigged for humans, but its pitch-black and has lots of corners, because it's an edited blackout with effects. I'm off-topic and explaining bad, so I'll stop. But infection is awesome with a decent map, admit it.
There are only three kinds of infection games that i like: Cops and Robbers, Fat Kid, and the ones where you drive vehicles trying to avoid extr3mely fast zombies. Other than that there all pretty much houses and such.