I don't mind playing games with people who can't play well, or aren't extremely skilled at the game. What really gets my goat is, if we're losing, they stop pulling their weight and start doing stupid things like TKing, running deliberately into enemy territory without fighting back so they die quicker, hence, ending the game quicker, or just act like general douchebags. It's especially annoying when they act like ****tards right from the start because they didn't get to play on the map they wanted. If they can't stick it out for one goddamn game on a map they don't like, then they aren't worth my time. ****, I >>>HATE<<< Pinnacle with every fiber of my being, but if it gets voted in I don't have a ***** fit and start suiciding. I stick it out and try my best. When you get someone who isn't the best at the game, but gives it their all anyway, I have full respect for them. Then I can pretty much take the "leadership mantle" and try to get as many kills as possible. Even if we don't win, I still have fun because of the challenge of seeing how close we can get. Sure I get frustrated sometimes, but I don't let it get to me. After all, in the end, it's only a game.
Well, at least on the bright side of things... We don't have derankers like in H3. Nor do we have restart account try hards trying to get a new 50 in under 30 games. We just have retards instead of jerk-offs that deliberately ruin the game. Not saying we don't have jerk-offs that do, but not so many as in H3.
Please, Pac, don't mistake me for 4shot. I'm not a "reflexes >>>> all else" guy. I hate when people start bitching in the lobby after a game ends: "1v1 me, kid! Your DMR is terrible! You only got 20 kills because of the power weapons!" etc. etc. I agree that the best tactics are the ones that win you the game (short of actual cheating or modding) and sometimes good tactics just seem cheap to the other team because they can't find a way to counter them. Some of the best teams I've played against in Reach are guys who solely play team objective so they can use evade on small maps; they sit near cover and if you get them close to one shot, they evade to safety, then pop right back out shortly thereafter to re-commence the beatdown. It's frustrating but there's no question that those guys are aggressive and understand map control perfectly (i.e. they do that stuff right in the middle of the map, not in some dark corner). Generally I am more a strategy player than a reflex one. My DMR skills are OK but when I do well, it's usually by thinking better on my feet and having a better strategy for the map than my opponents. All that said - the "tactics" I described in the first post of the thread aren't good tactics. They only do well against horrible players. And the "throw 'nade, run away" stuff on Countdown doesn't really beat ANYBODY unless your whole team is cleaning up after each other AND the other team is truly awful. What I can't wrap my head around is why anybody would think this stuff is how to win, get more kills, or improve at the game. It's just annoying. If you've ever played against better people - and surely these guys have a thousand times - you can see what they do, how they get their kills and which areas of every map they gravitate to. Why then would you go downstairs on Reflection, cloak yourself, and whip plasma grenades at people trying to find you? Because one time you went 12-8 doing that instead of your usual 4-25? It's perplexing. More to the point though - this thread wasn't started to criticize tactics in a logical manner. It was more just to ***** about 4-5 games in a row I played where I wanted to MURDER SOME FOLKS for playing like pussies.
I love that. I always respond (if we won) with "No thanks, I'd rather 1v1 a good player." Or something like that. Always agitates them.