After 3 days of barely any work, and using my friends' and my own render minutes, I've finally created a montage of fun times I've had while playing Halo. I know the quality isn't the best, but I'm without a capture card and video editing software, other than Windows Movie Maker, so the effects aren't great either, but hey, the clips should be worth the watch alone, amirite? Enjoy. YouTube - Speed e cake's "Why I Play" Montage
My favorite clip contained the mongoose owning everyone on Rat's Nest even in the face of rockets. Great clip.
I used render to video feature off of, 19 minutes worth to be exact. The people who I borrowed minutes off of are stated in the credits of the montage...
Ah right, I forgot about that, thanks. And I reccomend getting Sony Vegas if possible, your pretty good with movie maker and it's basically MM+.
I would love to use Sony Vegas, but my computer can barely run Movie Maker :\ It was out dated the day we bought it so it doesn't run stuff like most people can. I plan on getting a Capture Card and a Laptop eventually so I can use Vegas, and record, thanks for the recommendation. Thanks, that was one of the aims of it, to create comedy within appreciation. That was one of my most random moments in BTB, me and my buds always go for mongeese when we get Big Team Splockets for fun kills like that. Once, a friend "forgot" we were playing BTB and thought we were playing Rocket Race. Lets just say Launching doesn't work with damage on...