Haaaii! Some of you may know me, some of you may not I have been a member for quite a while now, and i thought it was about time i posted a proper introduction. I am a Jouralist, right here, at our very own FrogHub. I like Forging, i have made and released quite a few maps in my time, but lately i have been more interested in playing custom games with friends. I still try to offer my suggestions on maps that my friends are making, so if you are stuck with anything just PM me, i will come and help when i have time. At the momment, im RROD *Shock* I sent my xbox away sometime last week, its supposed to come back this week, but i doubt it. I bought a Pink controller ready for when my Xbox returns. I am told that Pink controllers let you play better, but we'll have to wait and see. I am also a member of the Ducks Of Oynx, which is without doubt the most successful group of human bieng in the history of.. groups of human biengs. I am currently making a Halo 3 Montage. It will be Me, Shock and Robbo. For now i will leave you with this spectacular image of Sonic the infamous Hedgehog. EDIT: And special thanks to Insane for bieng an ass Dun' worry, it's gun b k
Welcome to ForgeHub, make sure to read the rules and read about how to post your map properly. Check out the Forging 101 section, there are many guides on how to help you interlock, flat objects, geo merge and many more things. Also, if you make a map, don't forget to post pictures, there is also a guide for that aswell. So have a nice time /sarcasm
No credit to the guys who have coined Why hello there good sir too :'( Your so mean >:'( yay for credit, but not quite the kind i was lookig for...
why hello there good sir, and how are you doing this fine afternoon? i hope you are doing well... i would try to make you feel better about you having the RROD but when i got the RROD it took a month to get my xbox back. but hey at least you got an awesome pick controller and the ducks of oynx to make you feel better. lol
err insane, i thought roche was the first to say it, you were just the one who made it famous... whatever, hai matty has a nice day pl0x.
i k-no you! y did you make insane cry? also, does he cry normal, or does he cry blood or blue or something?
Insane you hurted my thoughts when I was going to say why hello good sir. So Matty Welcome to Forgehub. OH an I forget to mention, "Why hello there good sir".