I was thinking y bungie doesnt have leg armor b/c i just noticed armor is only 4 the torso. i no the feet do change but i still think we should have leg armor
The feet change?!?! My perfect world is shattered! Seriously though, are you sure the feet change? Because I've never seen that before as the armor is only head shoulders and torso. (i.e. chest)
The feet don't change, unless you're talking about humans and Elites. And the reason why the don't make leg armor perms is because it would be a total pain in the ass to do. It takes a lot for the game to remember each person's head, chest, both shoulders, insignia, and colors. Go back and check some of the films of the large party team games. Every so often your character will change back to the default version. I think throwing leg perms into the mix would make things worse.
They shouldn't make it all interchangeable. I mean, real armor doesn't usually work that way, does it? No. They should just make sets.
Squid destroys this topic with the perfect explanation. Plus what the hell kind of perms would you want for legs???? They're legs!!??
well, if u look at the hayabusa body and the regular body the feet get fatter with more bulk on them.
They made leg armour and more for Rainbow 6 Las Vegas... Maybe Bungie got a little excited and wanted to release their game early.
What are you doing staring at a spartan's crotch? In all seriousness, if you want different legs, be an elite. Nothing satisfies these people... they always want more.
who would ever look at the legs of someone, ur aiming for the body or head when u shoot at someone so ull never see the legs, and u cant really make them that different
Ooh, look, he has Recon legs!!! Seriously, totally useless. Unless you're one of those people who can't stand to look the same as others, so you need to change your armor to all Hayabusa.