Why do we not get a bigger canvas?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BizBloodshot, Sep 26, 2010.

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  1. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Wait... You guys are bitching that you need more room to forge after bungie gave us something more than 3x the entire area of sandbox?


    ****ing morons...
  2. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    I bet Bungie is trolling us, and is about to release an update that will massively expand both the map and the money limit.
    Or at least I hope so.

    And also, even though we get $10,000 to mess around with, you still quickly run out of it when forging a complex or aesthetically pleasing map.
  3. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    You are seriously the most ignorant ****head ive ever seen on the internet. Like seriously Bungie put all of their 100% badass-ness into this game. Forgeworld is more than enough. I didnt see a single person complain about sandbox, but when Bungie gives us something 50x better, people start complaining about it not being good enough, you being one of them. I mean honestly what else do you want in forgeworld terrain wise, we have an island, small indoor area, medium outdoor area, canyon, 3 other hilly/rocky areas and not to mention the vast amount of open space to forge guardian-esque maps. What else could you ask for. Other than a snowy/desert/what ever "look". As for asthetics ummm we have plenty of objects small and large that can be used for asthetics you just need to use that worthless brain of yours and figure which objects to merge and how to merge them in order to get that awsome looking structure. And it sickens me that they put all this hardwork and devotion into these games for there loyal fans and then worthless shits like you sit there and say "oh they didnt give it there all" or "meh it could have been better". I'd love to see you make a better game. Thats really all i have to say to you.

  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Don't personally see why we'd need more areas in Forge World... especially since the budget will heavily restrict you, anyways. I'm pretty sure that we'll eventually get a snow map available in DLC. No sense in making Forge World lag and suffer because you feel it's not enough. I'd much rather have a completely new map with snow or forests and not have to deal with heavy loads on downloading the maps, than have to wait 30 minutes just for 15 other people to download the map each and every time you select a new map on Forge World.
  5. shidarin

    shidarin Forerunner

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    There's more than enough room for now.

    No, Forge isn't the end all to end all, but it's pretty great. Forge in Halo 3 never grabbed me because of the limitations it had, but Forge Reach is 10 times better.

    A non-comprehensive list of things that could be improved:

    •Group objects together, move as group
    •Copy single objects and all their settings
    •Copy group objects and all their settings.
    •Second decimal place in edit coordinates
    •Change the pivot point
    •Change preferences so that Z = depth, Y = height :)
    •Basic mirror/invert commands
    •Re-position forge overlay window during alignment
    •Be able to rotate camera during alignment
    •Man-cannon control (velocity, damage received, etc)
    •Be able to pair maps and gametypes as linked packages that wouldn't be separated.
    •Wireframe mode has been mentioned
    •Water objects (IE, a cube of water)
    •Texture packs for the normal objects for some variation. You'd probably have to pick one for the entire map at the start.
    •A singular budget system that doesn't limit individual objects.
    •If you're still reading, here's a fun tip. Halo uses "Clips" incorrectly. It should actually say "Magazines" the two aren't the same.
    •Mr Magazine, a gun magazine that helps you support individual game modes. "It looks like you're trying to build an assault map, you need..."

    No program is perfect, Forge is an excellent tool that is both easy to pick up and advanced enough for people to create some really groundbreaking stuff.

    Of course, the ORIGINAL Forge had some more advanced features than the newer one. But the maps never looked quite as good in 2.5D :)
    #45 shidarin, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  6. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    What if, instead of being just a separate little gimmick to get attention, like in Halo 3, it's an expandable template, that can be unlocked and added to at any point in the year.
    i.e., suddenly a bunch of stuff becomes unlocked.
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