Why do we not get a bigger canvas?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BizBloodshot, Sep 26, 2010.

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  1. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    So, upon building out of the forge worlds kill areas, i decided to see just how huge the map actually is and well, its HUGE!


    Why are we not able to forge the whole world? why restrict us to one of the 5 huge areas? Its not like it wouldve been too big as cmon, look how big forge world is. Its not like we needed a bigger budget, you can build a decently sized map using the budget given and its not like we will utilize the whole canvas for 1 map (unless your a noob or are making a race map) But honestly, why have we been restricted to the circled area when there are other areas that look so promising?
  2. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
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    I completely agree. And, we're not even able to forge in half of the space in that circle! I'd be happy if they just made it possible for us to forge in for example the waterfall and the forest on the mountains, which still is VERY close to the "normal" forge area.
  3. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    I think that the other areas are limited by not having good textures etc. up close. Why would you need the other areas, they don't even look that good?
  4. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
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    Wouldn't you just love some nice arctic hideout and battles taking place in forests?
    Oh, and they should've given us trees to place, not only rocks :/
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    You can see that the polygon count diminishes as you go farther from the forgeable area. The part of forgeworld they gave us is plenty big enough to make good maps.

    Also, this
  6. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    Well, instead of having Forgeworld as a blank canvas, separate it into other areas(linked similar to Sandbox's tiers), such as the Mountains, Coastline(Where Forgeworld is now) the Plains, etc.

    Much more aesthetically appealing.
  7. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    You all make very good valid points but you can see the poly count dosnt start to give-way until far out of the map. Trust me, going around that whole map last night in theatre certainly took awhile. Anyway, as i am saying, sure those areas dont even look great, but thats because they where not intended to look great. With more detail into maybe 3/5 of those formations, we couldve had more forge space with different environmental scenes such as the mountain with snow, the grass plain, forrest, etc. Im not being greedy with what we where given because forge world is a huge step-up from H3 forge but they totally killed everybodys dreams of making a waterfall type area because of what? I see no reason to have the kill areas all over the area we are allowed to forge. We should've been given the whole mountain if not 3/5 of those formations (as i stated earlier) Think about it. All the objects we where given are all aesthetically the same making for repetitive maps, at least aesthetic wise.
  8. xxboxer4xx

    xxboxer4xx Forerunner

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    what ever happened to the other forge world map?
    is it coming as DLC?
  9. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    i personally havnt heard about another forge world map but if they made the different formations as DLC with objects specified for the formations (Example: For forrest, placeable trees, for snow, placeable snowy objects etc.) Also, pyro6666, that works also, but their are still kill boundaries all over forge world and only SOME areas outside forgeworld have no kill area but is limited to space.
  10. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    because the xbox can barley run what we have now.
    It is not a matter of bungie restricting you it is the 360's crappy hardware restricting you.
  11. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    well, if its the xbox restricting you why have the map truely that big? they wasted space on the scenery rather than utilizing the space and giving us more to do.
  12. NormireX

    NormireX Forerunner

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    Hey glad to see others with the same question I had when I first went into Forge World. In the VidDoc they made it look like you could go anywhere in that space and forge wherever you wanted. That was a very misleading video.

    I am curious how you can forge outside the boundaries though.

    There are several spaces outside the current area that would make great map locations, just sucks we can't utilize them.

    Who knows Bungie might release quadrants in the map as DLC or something.

    I also think our budget could be increased a little as well. Oh and they need to lift the cap on how many of certain things we can put in a map. I mentioned this in another post, but I had a map where I needed more than 8 gravity jumps, but since there is a cap I was unable to make my map as awesome as I wanted to make it. In my opinion you should be able to put as many of any item you want so long as you can afford them all. That's just my opinion though.

    Anyway....yeah I totally agree with this thread!

  13. xxboxer4xx

    xxboxer4xx Forerunner

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  14. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    If you look at the map from inside the boundaries, you are surrounded by terrain which you cannot see the edges of. From other places, there are gaps where the terrain is missing because they left out parts that would not be visible from forgeworld. To allow forging on another part of forgeworld, they would have to fill in more of those gaps, which would take more disc space, and make the game lag. There is plenty of space for forging now so quit complaining.

    To address the suggestions of a new forgeworld.
    When walking around sandtrap, I was amazed at how smooth the surfaces were, even out in the guardians and even outside the map, the polygon count was quite high. On sandbox, however, the polygon count was much smaller; at the outer edges of the map, some surfaces were almost the size of guardian. This is because sandtrap shipped on the disc, but sandbox was downloaded, and had to be much smaller. If another forgeworld were downloadable, it would take hours for the download, and take a similar time to load up for every game played on it. It's very unlikely that we will see another forgeworld unless it already shipped on the disc.

    tldr: there are reasons forge world is the way it is, we are not getting another one
    #14 pyro, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  15. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Did he just say Forge World wasn't big enough?
    oh wow.
  16. N3MESiS

    N3MESiS Forerunner

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    I don't get why the only objects under "Natural" are just rocks. Why not just call the category rocks then? They should definitely add grassy hills to the category also. It would increase the amount of things you can do in Forge ten-fold. Being able to mold your own mountains and plains would be awesome.
  17. NormireX

    NormireX Forerunner

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    Yes Forge World is big, but Bungie made it sound larger than it actually is. You don't need a flying vehicle to traverse it in edit mode.

    Perhaps my complaint is that the area's they selected for Forge World weren't all the greatest area's.

    I don't know I'm just upset that Bungie made things seem different in the VidDoc than they actually turned out to be in the actual game.

    If we can't get more space or better spaces to work perhaps the best thing to do would be to lift the cap on some of the objects or raise the cap.

    I almost wish they would have gave us a blank area and the ability to raise and lower the terrain and change terrain types. Like a similar editor like Pariah had only with all the current forge options.
  18. Sir Green Day

    Sir Green Day Forerunner

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    Shut up. You're obviously a PS3 fanboy.
  19. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
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    You're right! GET HIM!
    Nah, just kidding.
    But, I really don't understand why they made the waterfall an unforgable area. It's such a shame. It's not like we are expecting the water to act with stuffs we build in it, it's cool if it goes right through. Things would've looked so epic :/
    Oh well.
    Hope bungie fixes this somehow.
  20. Otaku Reject

    Otaku Reject Forerunner

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    hes right, forge mode itself had my little xbox chugging like there was no tomarrow. I can't imagin if it was bigger, my poor xbox would burst into flames. Thank god i burned it to the hard drive
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