Everyone keeps saying things like that, and I thought it too....once. However, that idea got crushed..pretty much as soon as I started looking around here. Maps like mine simply will never be the same calibur as the ones that are here. My Grindstone, arguably the best map I have ever made, will never been on the same level as rusty eagle and Shad0w Viper's Grindstone. I've made hundreds of maps-probably more then some of the best Forgers here - yet what comes out of my Forge at its best looks like what comes out the backside of of a flu-ridden, broken armed , sickly old Forger from around here. In the time it takes me to produce one mediocre map, many of you produce three or more Bungie Favorites or Featured Maps. Tell me how I'm supposed to compete with that? I'll answer it for you-I'm not. I simply not the kind of person who can turn out maps like that. Not only is it a time and paitence thing, but it is a style of mind thing as well - I simply do not think creatively. Out of the box thinking (or in the box, which ever your pick in this case) is not my deal - even my imiatations don't turn out well. While some people might appreciate the false hope, froom everything this OP says, he is probably right - he probably sucks at Forging, and nothing good will come of it. Instead of encouraging him to bash his head against a wall that won't move, he should try doing something he is better at - Screenshots, MM, things like that.
I think you should just do whatever you want to do. If you don't like forging, then don't do it. You won't make good maps if you hate doing it imo.
From looking at your maps I can tell you have the ability and patience to make those lined up interlocks, those nifty structures and those smooth walkways. Also what I can tell form your maps is that you don't plan out your ideas, you do the same thing I did when I first started forging. You make one structure (maybe even 2) and then you build around that, but you don't build structured ideas around your map, you put whatever little fillers you want in, like crates, barriers, and dumpsters. Now there is a few things that I can suggest to you; (in order of best idea to not so best) -Learn to use Sketch-Up. Now sketch-up can be a little confusing at first and if you are inept with it like me than heres a better idea. -Get a pencil and some paper and draw out some map designs, some structure designs or some gametype ideas. This will allow you to see what your map will look like before-hand, choose what fits where, and see how your map will play out before you take steps in forge mode. An alternative to this is using a computer program, like paint. -Check out a sketch-up adoption thread (does Forgehub have one of these?). The only problem with these though is that credit is usually required but other than that you have a map that is already optimized in sense of layout for you and you still keep a lot of creativity. Another alternative to this is finding people who will make a map layout for you (be it in sketch-up, paper, paint or otherwise). Don't give up on forging it is a great skill to have and as long as you keep working hard at it you will get featured and you will become a better forger.
To add along with Eri1C0, I am almost always in a party talking to friends if I am forging alone. If you are planning on forging for a couple of hours, bring some drinks and snacks if you can, that will get your mind off many irritations. If you are forging with a friend, make sure he is serious about making maps if you are. I sometimes make the worlds sloppiest maps when I am having fun, but when business goes down, I boot everyone who I know will just screw around. I hope this helps you into relieving stress while forging!
Forging is a skill just like any other. It takes time to hone your skills so that you can be as great a forger as anyone who has made it to Bungie Favs. Everybody on this site started out the same way, some guys just got the hang of it faster than others. I felt the exact same way you did for the first month or two of my forging coureer. I had created almost 10 maps before I came out with my breakthrough map. you can look in my started threads for this map, it was called Stronghold. Compared to other maps on this site, it was nothing. but it was the first of my maps, and they only got better from there. Each map took me about a month of planning and forging (considering that I have possibly one of the most hectic schedules in Ontario). Try asking some of the other guys on the site who are great at forging if you can watch them while they forge as a learning experience. You'd be surprised where inspiration can come from.
The OP's maps. I did look at Grindstone though... You seem to be more towards the opposite of what the OP is like. Grindstone lacks interlocking (as far as I can tell, not very important anyways because the game still plays without), and has a few crooked objects and doesn't look like it was revised to perfection. However Grindstone looked very planned out and did not feel random. The gameplay moved fluidly and things just felt right, most of the map went used. If you put more time and patience into your maps, made things that were "perfect" "more perfect" than you too could be a great forger. Just don't give up on it, and at the very least use it as a pass time, its fun and the proudness you receive from posting a map that you worked very hard on P) and made sure was perfect in every aspect will keep you forging for days to come.
Forging is really the greatest test of patience that we'll ever find out of a videogame today. The objects don't cooperate, the glitches are finicky, and your control over your own map creation is sometimes owned by outside forces. Really, there are many of us who try, and those who succeed get to wear the awesome colored ranks. Regardlless of how your map stacks up to others, you should be proud that you were able to produce a map that you felt was worthy of being posted. It's a feeling missed by many of the community, including me (I've only posted maps on smaller-scale sites, I just feel like I can do better if I take more time for it). Really, my interest in forge is a huge part of Halo for me. It's the part of the game where I can feel I have an edge. Great forgers are few, and far between, and it makes it all worth it for me when I produce something I'm proud of. I have a friend, he's ranked #6 for mongoose splatters in ranked games. He's also my clanmate now, and my co-leader. He feels exactly the same way when he does what he enjoys doing, even though others may be narrow-minded in their own regards and cast him to a corner (have you ever had someone continuously attempt to splatter someone during a game, it can easily frustrate you). Many of my friends don't understand how I can have the patience to continue attempting this. I just gave you the reason.
I tried that Sketchup thing.... I think I'd do better smacking two boxes togther in Forge until they went togther right then if I tried using Sketchup.....
guess what, i have the same thing. but you know the key to it? ~PATIENCE~ I have so many ideas but i go "uhg, i dont wanna take ALL THAT TIME to do that..." I always wanted to make a HUGE rounded racetrack (Daytona for u nascar fans) in foundry and now that we have the skybubble its possible... but my patience is low. Now the only reason im making the map im making now is that my clan needs a training map. Ive come a LONG way from making my fist maps to now.
I know what you mean. Forging has to be the most depressing pile of ass in existence. I just end up thinking of the other things I could be doing while constructing a map. Especially with Sandbox, what a **** load of ****.
Dude I know how you feel, what is with everyone and interlocking? That is why they are moaning at you, they want interlocking NOT GAMEPLAY I have seen tons of interlocked maps but did not dl because the gp sucked ballz, I keep on getting this feedback too I am never interlocking people, for now give up but until the weaks minds at fh crack open, start making them again have a nice day!
I have a case similar to Black Magic, except that whenever I see a map that looks better than mine, it puts me down. That's why I never got my ship map finished, although I have an infection map thats on the way..
Paper and pencil is a little easier than sketch-up. Drawing out your map plans is what separates the great forgers from the mediocre. Being able to realize if your idea is a good map or not on paper, before you even waste any time in forge is a great way to make only quality maps and at a faster pace.
Look, Pheonix your maps aren't bad, and maybe Dthen is sometimes a bit harsh, but criticism is useful! Also, why don't you try and change the map to make it better? Like for example Dragons Manor, you don't have to go delete it because Dthen says the spawns could do with work, listen to him and add more spawns in different places. People tend to criticise everyones maps, and what do everyone who gets featured maps do? Ignore them if the points are useless, or change the map to make it better using the advice given. WOAH! No Pheonix, don't listen to this guy, what you do is good it just need a little bit more work, and he is obviously lying, how can he know if the gameplay sucks if he doesn't download and have a game on it?