Another good one... PkMn Blue: Magikarp use Hyper beam! Well WTF you mean you can't use Hyper beam, just use splash attack... The ditto part was funny too!
Lol, i can't believe i haven't seen that video before. pokemon catcher blue: Magikarp return! Go ditto, oh sh!t... Magikarp was totally useless unless it new tackle, that was the only way you can actually make it level up without constantly switching him out of battle for share exp...
Mine is Charizard, immediately seeing him resting on the red cartridge in the Toys R Us, I fell in love. Mind you that was when pokemon red first came out. That was my first video game EVAR.
OMFG!! That picture is so funny!! I remember bfore I got XBL and joined FH I used to playe my DS a lot, I had pokemon Diamond Version, So it is between Dialga or Darkrai, Darkrai is so cool,
Well...Back when I was into pokemon it was a tie between Charizard and Blastoise, but I was like 8. Now it's Meowth because I no longer watch the show, but when I'm tired as hell and it pops on my tv he's the least annoying because he can speak. lol
When pokémon came out I as every one else loved PIKACHU. The new game i think my fav is snover since it is a frozen tree! Also if you play pokémon name all you pokémon so thay start with rolf Example: Roflcat = Luxaray, Roflbat = Golbat, Rolffish= Gyrados
lol, i play my brothers pokemon game. If i had a DS, iwould have had a pokemon game too. And i watch it every morning too. Everyday around 6:30 to 8:00 i think, on cartoonnetwork. I like the first season of pokemon. It was the best. Spoiler
thats the exact thing I do in the mornin.wake up and watch pokemon,and its the first season too.yipee
Well I kinda outgrew Pokemon in like fourth grade but my favorite was either Charizard or Snorlax for sure!