i think it'll be good in its own way. its a little over simplified, but it means we won't be stuck with everyone hammerdin. [br][/br]Edited by merge: its here.
I'm downloading it right NOW, but it's downloading awfully slow. I'm at 0% and I've been sitting here for 10 minutes. My computer isn't a piece of **** either. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Well, apparently you need to uninstall the D3 Beta or something.. it started downloading when I got rid of it.
Don't worry you aren't missing anything. The servers are down for maintenance for some un-****ing-known reason. I waited 10 years for this game to come out and after getting it at the midnight release I cannot play it. Curse you blizzard! Cuuuuuuuurse you! ..... unless of course you get the server online for me. In which case I will love you forever. Jesus Tz, you act like Blizzard reads FH. Apparently what they failed to tell everyone is that the game goes live PDT and not by timezone. Kind of fail that Blizzard and the retailers did not communicate this or at least have an in-game notice instead of me troweling through the forums.
6 minutes. [br][/br]Edited by merge: ..oh, and does anyone wanna do a playthrough with me? I'd like to take it slow and experience the game fully..
Levels? I have only created one character -- a level 29 Monk with about 12 hours accumulated already. I'm on Act III and have been exploring every little crevice. What are your guys' thoughts? It exceeded my expectations honestly.
13 Wiz..haven't had much opportunity for play with work. As for expectations? I agree, I never expected it to be this enjoyable. I was sad about the change in the skill system and the lack of runewords but for the time being the game is fresh enough that I'm excited to explore all skill possibilities as is. The game itself is greatly holding my attention and it runs extreme smooth on my MBP. @theorem: you'd be fine I'd say, specs wise.
im a 25 monk, 15 barb, 10 DH, 1,4,8 Wizards (eu,americas,asia servers) can't play at my flat because of the network provider.
I was really surprised by the performance of Diablo III. It runs really smooth on the integrated GPUs in the Sandy Bridge Intel series. It's amazing how you can set background FPS and Foreground FPS differently. I'm not sure if this is a new thing but I hope games like Minecraft pick up on it if they haven't already. I have only died once as a Monk. And that's because I wanted to see how many mobs I could aggro. lol. I managed to get a lot, including some Elites and some mini-bosses.
Yeah, I ran Act I on Nightmare without really attacking anything so I'll probably have to pay for that later.
Act I NM, 32 DH. Games amazing. Only thing stopping me from playing more is the baby, my wife and work.
I just can't wait to play Inferno. I'm not taking Nightmare seriously because it's not hard -- it just takes long to kill ****. So now, I'm a level 37 in Act II. Time for bed... I spend way too much time on this game...
Rifte#1352 level 20 I believe on Act 2. Man oh man this game is awesome, wish I had more time to play :x My brother also gave me his old gaming mouse, it's insane just how helpful having 6 extra keys on your mouse is for this game.
I just reached level 42 I think. Just beat Act II pretty much and did the first two parts of Act III before getting off. I'm really excited to play it on Inferno. Anybody find any legendaries yet? I have yet to get one.