anyone wanna? i was just watching videos on it and it seems like fun to have one show up. If you'd like message me d: This is gonna be rad! :happy: here's some video's: crpgchamp's encounter ADSaaron's encounter Killmore53's encounter This ones just hella funny
Huh. These all seem really interesting. But I don't know if we could really control when something like this happened.
true. i was watching another video not posted and the guy was antagonizing bungie. i was going to be like " wow. i wish a ghost appered!" haha idk. it seems like fun tho
Why would Bungie want to check upon a game where a guy is deleting spawn points? :S It sounds like it could be true, but how do ghosts show up in local matches then? There's not really an explanation. This is Halo 3's paranormal.
yea it could be hackers or not. some people have said while playing a game on blackout, they have seen invisible guys moving around, just floating. But if this is real it's very weird
Oooooh Ive been searching for them for a while Hook me up. Also Plus rep is helpful so il give you some and maybe you can give me some back
It may be undeleted files hidden in the dark abyss of the HALO game engine, since it appeared in 2 also. If so, it would be something like the Needler Sentinels or the Juggernaut Flood that weren't completly deleted from Halo 2's final layout. Maybe? Maybe not... Who knows?