Well last time I made a thread I had a bit of interest, the only person that came through and helped me eventually was EpicFishFingers (we beat Crow's Nest and Tsavo Highway, also did the Vidmaster challenge) but I still have a hefty chunk of legendary to beat, as well as find the terminals. So basically I'm looking for 3 committed guys to start helping me out with the campaign TODAY, and want at least 1 guy that has already beaten it and knows the location of the terminals and has some knowledge or stradegies for easily getting through each mission. I'm a pretty decent Halo 3 player, it's just I don't want to finish it by myself because it is tiresome for me. If I have partners, I usually do well. I can follow instructions easily and am cooperative and patient for the mostpart, so I won't be fooling around and expect others not to either. Also question can you earn the meta achievements with a combined team score? If so these are the skulls I'll have on: Catch - 1.5x - NPCs are more likely to throw grenades. NPCs always drop 2 grenades when dying Fog - 1.5x - No motion tracker Famine - 2x - Dropped weapons have half the inital ammo/charge As well as Grunt birthday party. So add me up or reply here, my GT is x Thuckey x. I'll be checking up on this topic in a little bit. Cheers
I'll help you. I like playing campaign. Just send me an invite whenever you want to do it. My gt is lefty0904. Oh yea and I've been helping people through it for a while (I've probably beaten it at least ten times lol) so i know a couple shortcuts and things like that. I know where all the terminals and skulls are if you still need them. EDIT: And no its based on individual score. You can have it on team scoring but free for all is better.
Sounds good, I'll go add you up right now. I've got all the skulls, just those terminals I need. ( I was unaware of them when I was looking up skull locations during my normal playthrough.. ) Also yea if this happens I'll just wait till we get 2 more guys.
I love the Campaign, so count me in. I know all terminal and Skull locations, and can glitch out of most maps, so it'll be a blast! GT=XxSpyyx
Alright well I'm going on right now, so I'll add you up as well. It'll be cool if one of you guys can get a friend or recent player that is willing, I'll try as well.
I'd suggest adding Tough Luck. It doesn't make the game too much harder and it's easy points. The only reason I would play Campaign right now is to get the last 4 mission meta-game achievements. I don't think I could achieve that with 3 other people and the highest difficulty. Good luck.
It's not that hard with just two people, let alone by yourself. Although, it is fun with four, because all four of you can teabag the Prophet of Truth near the end of The Covenant. I would sign up but it seems you already have three other players.
I thought it was on individual score for meta games. Cause my cousin and I got 40,000 on one level (not exact, but around there) and neither of us got the achievement.