Over the last several maps that I have forged and presented here on the hub I feel that I was missing something.. What could it be? Oh, I remember, a feature!!! I'm starting this post hoping that all who reply take me seriously. I want to know who thinks that my next map will feature. I feel that over time I have gave great material to forge hub, and now I know that in several weeks I will be presenting my best map yet! I wonder if there is anyone out there that thinks that I have what it takes to feature, even after making this ridicious post. Please realize that I will be presenting a map that has taken over 2.5 months to complete and with more geo-merging than any map yet. Please, feel free to leave your comments on how you think I will do.
It doesn't matter how much interlocking or geomerging a map has. Keep that in mind. Gameplay is WAY more important than aesthetics and outstanding gameplay will earn you that feature. I've seen your maps and you have amazing aesthetics. As long as your map has good gameplay, I think you can earn a feature!
I have always liked your maps corruption. Some people say that they have bad gameplay, but I disagree, if it was up to me, you would have a feature.