i was just wandering who plays WoW here my higher levels r horde lower levels r alliance here are my characters and realms Galfor Orc Hunter lvl 68-bloodhoof Draculea Undead Priest lvl 43-bloodhoof Galfort Undead Mage lvl 34-bloodhoof Blackbane Tauren Shamen lvl 33-bloodhoof Halor Human Rouge lvl 24-shadow council Nnaomi Night Elf Druid lvl 19-kirin tor (i no its a girl name because my friend made me create a girl) but please dont post saying WoW is bad only post if u play WoW or r getting WoW please post servers and names :squirrel_grouphug:
chromaggus- Toochie lvl 50? maybe idk, i forget drenden- Toochiehxc i think, again i forget, maybe its just toochie. lvl like 12 or somethin'.