I use to collect Pokemon cards until it became uncool in my class year. I never really played with them though, I just collected them. I still have bunch of my old ones in a big book. Are they worth anything? Edit: Oh wait the games? Yah they were good. I played pokemon stadium a lot and the first on the Gameboy, too.
The first Pokemon were the bests, after that, the new character just went straight to hell. Im preety sure there running out of things to turn into pokemon now. Anywhooo.... For the motha ****en Pwnsauce Win. 'Nuff said.
Completely agreed, the old Pokémon were the best there ever was... But Ash never did catch 'em all. Wtf is that? Charmeleon gonna kick some Warturtle ass.
I hate pokemon. I liked it when I was just another brainwashed first grader, but that doesn't work on me anymore. It made me spend all my moneys on pokemon cards...
I will admit pokemon blue and red are classics. however, the pokemon series as a whole is childish IMO and i stopped liking it shortly after i turned 12 or something like that.
I love pokemon! I've owned almost every pokemon game to man: Red, Blue & Yellow (almost got my friend to mod me an imported Green version but that never worked out), Snap, Stadiums 1&2 and the Colliseums, Hey You Pikachu (actually I borrowed it from my friend and never gave it back cause he didn' want it), both pinballs (half of my extended family played the first one and we used to compare scores all the time), Gold, Silver, and Crystal (best series out of them all), Fire Red and Leaf Green (I could finally play it with my lil sis and we'd have epic battles which I'd usually win), Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald (Emerald saved this generation but I'd still say this was my least favorite of the four they have at the moment) and Diamond and Pearl. Yea maybe I have no life but can you blame me? Pokemon was one of the most innovative games of its time and in my mind will never truly die out. I will say though, with all of these pokemon and 4 different regions, I think they should make the next game a 1 version collaboration of all four generations where you start in Kanto and work your way to Sinnoh (a la the 2nd Generation Games) with every pokemon catchable in some location on the cartridge itself. 493 pokemon, 4 regions, 0 downloads needed and therefore 0 cheats needed, 16 gym leaders, 4 elite fours, maybe 1 big tournament at the end or something, a shitload of rivals, like 3 or 4 evil bad gangs, and all in 1 great game? C'mon it's pure gold.
I like Pokemon, I grew up on the cheesy Anime (But back then it wasn't Cheesy it was Amazing) and I use to collect the Cards, but I didn't play any of the games till Sapphire/Ruby, Then I got Pearl for The DS (Pretty much the only good game for the DS Too...) Me and surprisingly a lot of my friends play Pokemon or Like Pokemon. I play Pokemon so... yha. Cute Colorful Animals beating the crap out of one another... whats no to like? PS I really like teh Water Type Pokemon the best. so I hurd u liek mudkipz?
It's a unique rpg, I enjoy it. I still have yellow with all kinds of Godly pokemon. I played Pearl on my DS up until you had to do a fashion contest just to fight a boss. Srsly wtf?
I think joedirt said every thing that needs saying. edit:fire,dragon,and physic are my favorte types.
Lol No way. During the pokemon rocks america event. I as waiting in line and there was 3 40 year old guys. One guy is like "ill trade you my charizard for your magmar." Something like that is timeless
I started a new thread about your favorite pokemon,check it out. the 40 year old thinng made me lololololol. man I want to go to a pokemon rocks america tour.