I got the RROD a long time ago and haven't got it since. But then my xbox started too freeze up a lot and just about stop working. So I call microsoft and they say I'm out of warrenty so that means I'll have too pay 100$ or more toget it fixed, or I could just buy a new xbox since I saved enough money too. I'll probally just buy a new xbox but that means I'll have too wait a week or so too go to the store. Sorry I kinda went off-topic here but I don't think it's that big of a deal. lol
I have, it sucks, I didn't even send the xbox in to get a free one, I just went out and bought a new one. I'll probley send it in one day.
I got it literally the beginning of the summer and finally got my xbox back three weeks ago. It takes way to long to get fixed, and it feels like re-hab for overly obsessed gamers such as myself. Bottom line is ... DON'T GET THE RED RING OF DEATH!!!
I am on my fourth Xbox 360. First I got the red rings of death, the second it scratched my disks and made extremely loud noises, and the third was overheating. Yes I have tried the cooling appliance for like 20$ yet it was like louder than my television.
For about 6 months after I first got my 360 I kept it vertical next to my TV cabinet. I then rearranged it and put the 360 in the cabinet. Two weeks later it overheated and got the RRoD. I'm pretty sure that putting the 360 in a closed of cabinet caused it to heat up more because it had much less ventilation. The overheating then gave it a RRoD I then sent it away and got it back 3 weeks later with a free month of live. Since then I've kept it next to the cabinet and my 360 has been fine.