Re: New map information for Heroic! Thank you thank you, reading it now does this mean they are up now?
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? Oh AM, thought it said PM >.< Here is a custom map for foundary: It shows that there will be no need for floating and sticking objects =D
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? I'm pretty stoked about the floating objects without assistance, that's gonna open up a whole new door in Forge on these maps. My Rat's nest ideas are abuzz. ;D
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? **Advertisement/Example Spoiler** And the maps are awsome... I will be publishing my second map from them today... everyone rejoice... If you missed my first Foundry release, you can either wait till it gets hosted here, or you can head to my fileshare and download it... its called "The Labyrinth". Yavi says good maps can't be made in one day... I highly disagree. The Labyrinth took 4 people working 8 straight hours. Keep in mind that this group consisted of me (the guilder making sure things are done right... they called me a "Forge ****"), Asper (who figures out creative ways to work things, and has a little more patience than the rest of us), Titmar (who knows his scenery objects... he loves his streetcones, barrels, and spools), and Boss Savage (the weapon balancer, since he plays matchmaking alot). It is very hard, getting a good cooperative group of forgers. And to think we spent 8 hours working together. And then 4 hours amazed with our work. I am very happy to have worked with these guys, and I hope to make small forging groups like this for big projects later(a mulit-dimensional maze is not easy to make). Stay tuned, and you may be picked to help work on masterpieces. And YAY FOR NEW MAPS!!!
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? Weapons balance isn't easy. I play matchmaking too much as well and I still like to test weapon placement before assuming something is balanced.
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? Foundry looks great and handels great. this map pack was definally needed to keep us forgers happy.
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? Man, the CQB maps you can make out of this lol. It's so much fun. Too bad you can't do things like make the map darker or something. Would make great machinimas and just great games.
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? The lighting on Standoff kind of bugs me a bit. It's almost like driving home frow work with the sunset glaring in your eyes sometimes.
Re: Who else is excited for theLegendary maps? Guys I am revamping this thread for the new new maps. Post and discuss.
Re: Who else is excited for theLegendary maps? you are retarded, bad idea, never bump old threads that are no longer valid topics.
Re: Who else is excited for theLegendary maps? This topic is still valid. Bungie is releasing another new map pack soon. If this thread weren't revived there'd just be a new one posted, which adds clutter to the board.
The thing is there are already multiple threads that Dev0n creates every time there is a new update. Those are already cluddering the forums so having this revived doens't really help. Plus the fact that this has multiple pages of the last DLC maps, may confuse anybody coming into this topic, it confused me for a bit.
something tells me that the new item is a soccer ball! and foundry becomes the king of forge! and later on the 7/7/08 we get another map that people think is fail, while others don't!