Who else is excited for the Legendary map pack. I can't wait for Cottonball! Moon base alpha sounds reallly nice for forge. Note ignore the first 7 pages of this thread.
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? Me too. Foundary looks like it will be perfect for forge. Lets just hope they give us good items to forge with!
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? You're talking to the people who play Halo around forge. I can say this much all of us will be buying the new maps the day they are released so if you need someone to play with we are available.
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? I hope you can use that pelican in Rat's Nest That would make for some awesome gametypes, eh?
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? They already said you can't. They said it just adds geometry to the map.
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? Bah, how lame is that?! Hopefully people can get over there without death barriers to make good machinima
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? You guys are lame! Standoff all the way! ROFLCOPTER and such!
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? I can't wait for the new maps... I already have Map ideas for each of the new maps! ;D
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? i think all of them look sweet. i think the mancannon forge things will be sweet.
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? I'm really looking foreward to them all. Standoff looks like a really cool objective or hardcore map. RatsNest is great potential for Mario Kart or just racing in general. Then of course Foundry will be really good for forging in general.
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? You guys are going to have a blast with the new Forge items available in all the new maps. There should be some good media later this week.
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? That is currently speculation for the rest of the community. Also I am not here to confirm this or deny it.
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? We'll just have to wait and see! But expect traffic to start growing now... http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=news&cid=13022
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? I guess. Do you think you are really you? The immaculate spelling and grammar... Hmmm... It could be!