[SIZE=+2] White Room (White Screenshot Room)[/SIZE] I made this White Room and I didn't know where to post it, so I thought that this was the best place. This room was made for screenshots. Here is a link to the map: White Room You can use any gametype you want, it doesn't matter, just make sure you cannot die. I know the picture is bright like that, but that is what the map looks like. Plus, there are more weapons and equipment then that, but you cannot see them in any picture.
so, um, what is it? you have a white picture. this could be any number of things. maybe you just threw a flare. maybe you have a strange combination of filters(you haven't even told us what map it is). Also, why? if it's for taking pictures, then it has already been done, and done better. if it's just because you think that playing without being able to see is cool, then, w/e. i can't speak for everyone, but i think i do when i say that sounds pretty...dull. so seriouslly, what is your map. you have 1 picture and 5 sentences about it. that is not a good way to get dl's.
Nice, I gave it a dl and its pretty good for screenshots actually. Could also be usefull for machinimas! Except the annoyingly gay noise it gives off!