Debate White Pride Month

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dow, Jul 17, 2009.

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  1. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Alright so there is something that bugs me a lot. I am completely fine with hispanic people having Hispanic heritage month, and black people having black history month, but why can't white people have a white pride month?

    Every time I get into this discussion, I end up getting called a racist, and if you do, I will report you, because I am in no way suggesting a white pride month as a means of disrespecting other races. I simply want it, because here in America, being white is the only race that isn't celebrated.

    However, why stop there? Why can't we have a NAANCP (National Association for the Advancement of Non-Colored Persons). If I am racist for wanting that, doesn't that make blacks racist for wanting the NAACP?

    In all I am saying there is not one reason why there shouldn't be a national White Pride month, and everytime it gets brought up, nobody takes it seriously, or somebody gets offended.

    EDIT: Now that I think about it, maybe this belongs in General chat, since it isn't easily debatable.
    #1 Dow, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  2. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I've seen this brought up alot, not neccesarrily around this forum, but in general. From what I can tell, white people are the majority in the U.S., while the two "heritages" that we celebrate, hispanic, and african american, are not.

    Maybe we are just celebrating the minorities of our country, maybe we are just trying to even out all the bad karma we've shown to these two races.

  3. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    We already have Affirmitive Action which discriminates against non-minorites on a race basis instead of income, isn't that enough?

    Also, just because we are the majority, doesn't mean we can't have a month to celebrate our culture.
  4. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    We celebrate our culture everyday. We were the originals, this has always been the way we lived. African Americans were pulled from their country, their relgion, their dances..celebrations etc., Hispanics were different aswell.

    I don't know that there is something American that we don't already do. (You can probably think of one, but O well.)
  5. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    There is not one Hispanic person or Black person in America right now that was forced by a white person to come here. Unless somebody broke a law.
  6. Vandal

    Vandal Ancient
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    Iv thought about this occasionaly and i think i have come to a conclusion. What we percieve as white culture atleast in the United States is really just a mix of multiple diffrent cultures, Irish, German, Italian, Dutch, so on and so forth, negating the need for an all encompasing month to celebrate it. You could make the argument that African American and Hispanics also hail from diffrent parts of there respected geographic areas of the globe, but of my friends that are African-American and Hispanic, they dont neccesarily associate with the country there ancestry is from, but instead associate with the American part of their culture.
  7. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Native Americans slip under your radar there sparky? Whites came from Europe.
  8. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I guess I don't really feel like elaborating, and thats why I don't come to the debates section too much, but...

    I meant, slavery and such, hispanics just came here on their own, I didn't say they were pulled. Maybe we are just trying to say sorry for the trouble we put the blacks through. IDK/

    At RST, not trying to offend any Native Americans, but I was just pointing out the Civilization that currently offers these Appreciation Months.
    #8 Youtuber, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  9. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Why should I feel sympathy for a race that I personally have never done anything to? Even if I did do something bad to a black person, I would apologize to HIM, not his race.
  10. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Yeah that's right, don't be dissing my peoples. We were here first, so technically it should be White history month, Black history month, Hispanic history month, and then the rest of the year belongs to us.

  11. Vandal

    Vandal Ancient
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    Or it should just be an all encompasing American History Month.

    Morgan Freeman states this perfectly by saying "Black History is American History".

    So is Hispanic and Native American.
  12. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Wow... I literally had this debate 10 minutes ago. I blame it on America's double standard. Whites seem to be the only people who can be called racists. If a black person calls a white person a whitey or a cracka they're perfectly acceptable. If the white person retaliates and calls them ******, jiggaboo or porch monkey they are called a racist and will probably get shot or beaten senseless. If there's one thing I hate more than racism it's reverse racism. Blacks blame whites for slavery and yet if not for the kindness of whites they could still be slaves. There was never going to be an emancipation of the slaves if not for the white Union soldiers that fought for black freedoms in the south.

    I believe blacks are more racist than whites in many ways and they feel it's their right for what happened hundreds of years ago by 100,000-200,000 whites. Not the 250,000,000 that are being "oppressed" per se today.
  13. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I am completely fine with an all-encompassing "American History" month, seen as how nobody celebrates Kenya, or Ethiopia in black history month anyways. It would be more accurate, and more efficient at promoting universal acceptance of diversity, which the mainstream media is always shoving down our throats. However, asking to take away black history month would result in a race war. This is why I am simply suggesting that we have our own way (as whites) to celebrate US as others celebrate their race.
    #13 Dow, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  14. Vandal

    Vandal Ancient
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    But ofcourse, we would be called ****'s and other garbage like that. Which therein lies the problem.
  15. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    I know its unintentional but this is bound to offend a few people if it goes on so, locked.
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