Uhm... I think I had the original one, but i'm not certain. All i know is that now that poor old xbox is running custom fans, LED's, one hell of an upgraded heat-sink, a very ghetto jtag, its hooked directly into my laptop half of the time because I have my memory saved onto my laptop (courtesy of the jtag,) and a very badass clear case. Oh, and its got a melted condom stuck all over the GPU (on top of the arctic silver gel thankfully... i knew my judicious re-application would come in handy!)
I have the new xbox with the touch screen "on" button, and the built in wireless internet. In other words I got the " Kinect Bundle". And let me just say that " Kinect" sucks.
I bought the Arcade version when Walmart had a great deal on it in '08. It came with a memory stick, an extra wired controller and two games (Ghost Recon Advanced warfighter and Ninja Gaiden 2) I bought a 20 gig HDD used the year after, and then the year after that, bought a Transfer kit and a 120 gig hard drive and switched to it. I have a 20 gig HDD laying around if anyone wants to buy it.lol.