The 2nd one obviously IMO. I just love that style mixing anonymous objects with the sig. Need some lighting though. The first one ain't that nice, the flow is going in all different directions and the colors are meh...
Numero Dos. (Number 2) I don't like that vector signature, and number 2 is slightly better. Not your best work.
You guys are crazy! I like the first one WAY more. I love the vector style. Looks really clean. Second one is way too blurry in some parts, and way too sharp in others. I don't like the vector brushes you used for the second one anyway.
AMEN The second one has poor clarity and it appears to be oversharpened on what slightly blurred to begin with. I really like the vector style of the first one.
I haven't been able to produce anything quality lately. Looking at them... I like the second more, but there are some redeeming factors in the first. I don't know really. I might just enter the second because a good deal of people really don't like that kind of vector style for some reason.