I want to spend money on another mappack. All i have is noble map pack.. the first one. I was disappointed. Now I know theres new awesome forge maps to download that I need to try, but, which mappack has the best forge maps? Anniversary is more expensive, but it looks pretty cool, but the defiant one also looks cool and is cheaper. What do you guys think?
I would go with neither. I heard noble was the best of all of them (but still not very good) and I'm currently pretty happy with no dlc.
Anniversary would be a much better choice. I rarely play on defiant or noble, and there is even a dedicated playlist for anniversary maps. Hang em high is also a pretty decent forge map.
Definitely Anniversary. Tempest is great for forging, but a lot like Forgeworld in most aspects too. And it's in Noble which you had already anyway. I really like Highlands and Condemned for competitive gameplay, but now that I quit Matchmaking, I never play on those maps anymore. I didn't play Firefight in the first place already so I never got to play on Unearthed either. If you pick up Anniversary though, you get 5 maps that are both great for competitive multiplayer gameplay and for forging all kinds of things. And each of them has a different environment and forge pallet. I'd pick Anniversary for sure.
I bought noble and defiant and played the DLC playlist a bit. Hate it already. Maybe it's just because I don't have the patience to learn all the spawn locations and common routes of travel or maybe I don't like the fact that I'm less accurate since it's not title updated, but I hardly ever play the Squad DLC playlist. I'd recommend spending your hard-earned money on Halo 4 when it comes out.
I wouldn't get any of them unless you aren't planning on getting Halo 4. It's only a few months away and the amount that you would actually get to play on the maps wouldn't be worth it in my opinion.
Correct. Also the only one you ever get a decent chance of playing in MM, due to more people having it plus more dedicated and frankly playable playlists.
well, whenever I play on it I play TU or I quit. That's how I roll. Anniversary was a mess. 343 should have realized that no one was really all that nostalgic about spawning with the best weapon in the game.
Anniversary's good, it comes with more maps that defiant. I suggest that you dont buy any, though, with Halo 4 almost here. Save your money and buy Halo 4 Limited Edition or DLC for Halo 4.