Which One Should I Get? Left 4 Dead or Resident Evil 5?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RaBBiiTTT, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Well so far, Left 4 Dead seems to be the most convincing.

    But I want your opinion, which do you think I should get, L4D or R5? A reason would be highly appreciated.

  2. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    IMO they messed up RE5. It would have been 10 times better if they added a feature where you could shoot while walking backwards. They also messed up the aiming thing, it's not as sharp at it was in RE4 meaning that it stops as soon as you stop moving the joy stick. In RE5 it seems to move just a tad after you stop. Maybe it was my controller, or maybe they did screw up the aiming thing. Difference between the two is that L4D is short and only fun online and in versus it sucks being human. RE5 I imagine would be a lengthy game like its predecessor with (depending how you look at it) a good story. Not to mention it's got Co-op now which will most likely be it's biggest feature. I guess you could say that I'm technically just telling you the pros and cons right now, but if I was to get one of them I would get whichever one my friends would want me to get seeing how I play with them the most. Sorry I can't truly answer your question, but I hope I helped.
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I find L4D alot of fun, but it gets a little repetitive. RE5 was too slow paced for me.
  4. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    They are 2 completely different games, so its really up to you. If you want a deep story, better graphics, less repetitive, various guns and upgrades, then go with Re5, but make sure you have a friend getting it too, for Co-Op. If you want a more basic, shoot 'em up, strait forward co-op action game, then L4D is for you, but once again, make sure you have friends playing the game. It all depends on what kind of game you want, because they have little to no similarities. It all depends on what gameplay you like the most. Personally, i think you can get more out of Re5, because although L4D is a great game, it is VERY repetitive, and its really just shooting zombies with a team mate for hours at a time. Re5 has a 12 hour campaign, with co-op or without, Mercenaries mode, [also co-op], a lot more guns [+ customization], epic bosses, and just more variety in the game. L4D has 4 pretty short campaigns, and versus is horrible when playing as human.

    They both have demos, so download them, and see which one is best for you.
  5. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    but, you must remember lock, that L4D is far better than RE5 :D
    controls arent arranged for octopuses on L4D
  6. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    It controls better, but i don't think it is a better game. Plus, this is my opinion.

    Also, once you get used to Re5, the controls are great. Plus, survival horror games are always slower paced than an all out killfest like left 4 dead.

    2 different games in 2 different genres shouldn't really be compared like this.
  7. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I vote Left 4 dead, but only because the controls felt way to awkward on RE5.

    And it was kinda slow....
  8. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I haven't played RE5 (which may invalidate my opinion). L4D easily became one of my favorite multiplayer games behind call of duty 4 and halo. It's intense and fast paced and extremely fun. There is a lot of repetition involved, but with the free DLC coming with 16 survival mode maps, it should make things fresher and less repetitive. I got it about a month ago and haven't stopped playing it since. The best part about it is that it takes the concept co-op and takes it to a whole new level. Unlike other coop games I've played, L4D it really matters whether you or your teammates are alive. You need teamwork to survive. So idk, you can get RE5 if you want, but make sure to get L4D soon therafter as it is definitely worth the purchase.
  9. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    I have been playing Re5 for the past past few hours, and OMG, BUY THIS GAME. I love it. I wasn't that blown away by the demo, but the game is just so well paced. One second your on a turret on the back of a jeep, and the next, your fighting giant alligators. This game blew me away. Already one of my most enjoyable campaign so far. I highly suggest you get this game, you will not be let down.

    In fact, i'm going to go play it now!
  10. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I just got Resident Evil 5 today as well, but I haven't played it yet. Is it that much better than the demo? Because frankly the demo kind of lowered my spirits for the real game.
  11. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    As others have said, try the demos or rent them. They are two very different games, and so you should see which you like more.

    Now, I'm off to buy RE5 today, and I've owned L4D since Christmas, and in my personal opinion, L4D is a much more fun and enjoyable experience than what I have experienced in RE4 and RE5 demo. L4D seems to offer more options to the player. I can play casually, mess around, and have a great time, but I also like to get serious and really try my best. RE5 seems to be all serious; play, win, or die. I haven't seem much room for leeway, and so I would personally go with L4D.

    But don't do what everyone here says. Try them out for yourself.
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Get DEAD RISING, then decide. Best way to do it.
  13. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Left 4 Dead... RE5 you have to click like 500 buttons to shoot your gun. It is also very boring. L4D provides instense action and ability to play as the boss infected such as the Hunter. There are many levels and soon to come DLC for free. 4 survivors make their way to the safe room, there are some really cool events that happen on your way their.


    Boomer- Big guy, very big.... Full of methane like fluids, when you puke on someone, their silohuette turns purple and all surrounding zombies attack them, not to mention extra ones that come.

    Smoker- Tall, skinny, and a very long tounge, when your reticle turns red you can shoot your toungue and grapple someone, you drag them to you and slash them to death, you can also pull people off of edges

    Hunter- My personal favorite. He is a hoodie wearing zombie that can pin enemies and slash out their abdomen. You crouch down to get into pouncing position, you start to growl, and you hit the right trigger and you will pounce, with correct timing and distance you can do alot of distance as a Hunter. When you pounce you don't go straight, you kind of do an angle, learn the angle and shall do good. It's like parabolos

    Tank- The infected that you can only be chosen to get. It is very big like the Hulk. It charges opponents and throws them down and can knock opponents with rocks you can pick up by pressin left trigger.

    Witch- You can't play her. She will sit down and cry and moan, when you get close to her, she will growl, get too close and she will attack you. She is very quick in killing you, watch out. She hates loud noises, being approached on, lights, and being shot at.

    I hope I helped your decision....
  14. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Resident Evil 5:

    The game is NOT slow paced. trust me. I have been playing for almost 8 hours now, and it is one of the best paced games i have played in a very long time. Its fast paced, and well plotted out.

    The game can be very casual, and hardcore. If you play it on the easiest difficulty with a friend, it is very fun and rewarding, and to tell you the ruth, unless you play on the hardest difficulties, the game is almost too casual. I have only died 3 times, and i am new to the RE series. Also, once you fully upgrade a gun, you unlock infinite ammo, and certain guns unlock brand new ones, such as a mini-gun, or a hand cannon.

    Once you beet the campaign, there is plenty do do, trust me. You can go back, and play the story mode with all your new weapons, and upgrades. Also, once you complete the game, you unlock Mercenaries mode, similar to Gears of War 2's Horde Mode, or Call of Duty: WaW's **** zombies. This can also be done with a partner, but it can be done by your self. Plus, you get to use your weapons that you spent so much time leveling up in this mode.

    Now, to talk about the controls. They aren't the best. But, once you play for about 30 or so minutes, you should get used to them. The only real annoyances is the fact that you can move while you aim, and to knife, you have to hold down 2 left bumper [depending on you control scheme] and then right trigger. Luckily, knifing doesn't any a major role in this game, other than slashing open boxes.

    On to gameplay. Once you get used to the controls, this game is fun and diverse, its everything you could want from a campaign based game. There are tons of diversity in the levels, enemies, and weapons. Every level looks different, and stand out from all the rest. the game is just one amazing set piece after the next. the enemies are fantastic as well. So far, i have encountered 20 different types of enemies, with completely different attacks. But, i wasn't even counting the bosses. This is one of my favorite parts of this game. the bosses are awesome. They all are completely different, in the way they look, and the way they act. To kill these bosses, you will need alot of fire power, luckily, there is no shortage of that.

    The weapons in this game are great. While non of them really ground breaking, they all have a great feel to them. The best part, is that there is so many of them. Also, if 15+ weapons wasn't enough, they can all be upgraded. Capcom did something really smart with the upgrade and unlock system. Normally, you would have no reason to upgrade the worst guns in the game, but in this one, you do. Example: If you upgrade the worst pistol in the game, all the way, you unlock a mini-gun. That applies to all of the basic 5 weapons in the game, and each one unlocks a totally unique, one of a kind, weapon.

    In conclusion i think RE5 is a better game. It has better graphics, better set pieces, longer campaign, more options, more weapons, more enemies, and just more variation. L4D just isn't that diverse. Its a straight to the point shooter. There is only 5 [i think] weapons, only 4 sections of the campaign that can all be knocked off in about 1 hour each, and there is less than 10 different types of enemies. Sure the multiplayer is really fun, but you play the exact same levels as you do in campaign.


    • Better Graphics
    • Better level design
    • More weapons
    • More enemies
    • More variety
    • An existing Story line and plot

    • A handfull of weapons
    • A handfull of levels
    • Low enemy variety
    • Repetitive
    • No story or plot

    Closing Comments:
    They are both great games, but have nothing in common. They are 2 completely different genres, and it all depends on which style you like the most. Download both demos, play the both, and decide. I just think if you don't buy RE5, you will be missing out on one of the best games of 2009.
  15. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    sure, but the walking sure isnt fast paced
    its a serious downgrade from RE4 imho(considering platforms etc.)
  16. Zombie Time

    Zombie Time Ancient
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    I have L4D which I got bored of quickly
    but anyway I might get RE5 only if its scary enough.
    so if dead space is 8 where would rate RE5 out of 10?
  17. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    I loved Dead Space, one of my favorite games.
  18. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    you should get Left4Head.
    Great game.

    hah, jaykay <3
    ehhh L4D.
    I have never been a fan of resident Evil anyways,
    L4D is amazing campaign,
    online play,
    a hot chick,
    the works.
    And the DLC is coming out rather soon
  19. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Wait, are we talking about RE5?
  20. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I c wat u did thar.

    But honestly, just get both. They are both great games and to different to really judge. The only thing really classifying them together is the fact that they both have zombies in them.

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