Well, I have another one that I am trying to decide between. It is very small in change but I just want to see what people think. #1 #2 Thank you in advance!
dude im not gonna lie, they both dont look any different. at all. 3.7879686978/5 on the pic though its pretty coo!?
I am a perfectionist in a way so I need everything to look just a certain way. #1 is looking a little more left. #1's explosion on the left is whiter in the middle. #2 has a little gold top corner. #1 has a smaller explosion on the right. A few more things but I got to go to the dentist right now.
I think number one is pretty good, I love the little crystals of light everywhere. But screenshot number 2 isn't up there anymore?
i say pic two because on the left side theres less white showing plus i like the slight angle change 3.9 for #1 4 for #2 a difference but not much of it.
Oooh, I see it now. Actually, now i choose number 2, because I think it looks a lot better without that huge white spot on the left of the screenshot. Keep these good screenshots coming!