In the opinion of you guys, which invasion map out of the three is the best and why? If you haven't played them all, don't vote in the poll but feel free to comment. My personal favorite is Breakpoint because I enjoy the dynamics of the map with the extending bridge, opening gates and doors and such. It also uses IMO the winning combination for objectives: territories - bomb - core.
I would probably say Breakpoint because you actually see a team get through all of the tiers once in a while. Boneyard: It's pretty good, but delivering the core is incredibly difficult and rarely happens especially when against a full party. Spire: Worst 1st tier; easy for the defenders to camp atop the rocks and can easily make it impossible for the attackers to move 2 steps from the spawn without getting killed. Third tier is very close to the Elite spawn + the Elite weapons are incredibly easy to snatch. Breakpoint: All three tiers are actually doable. The vehicles and weapons actually balance out and the defending team's weapons are actually protected. Getting the core home doesn't require walking slowly through defender spawns while vulnerable; it requires making a dash in the open while teammates can easily cut off the defenders in the meantime. This is the only invasion map that I feel can easily be defended with a good setup, but is actually a possible task for the attackers.
All three maps have their bad points. Breakpoint Invasion is usually an insanely quick game, and the second tier isn't very fun. Spire has a horrible first tier, but after that it's fine. Boneyard is my least favourite, only getting good during the third tier, and at that, It's way too one sided towards the spartans.
I find the second tier of Breakpoint VERY fun, who doesn't like crawlin' and sneakin' through the tunnel as the elites? Agreed about Spire. Boneyard is not in any way one sided toward elites, the only good phase of that is phase 2, the spartans get a ridiculous weapon cache and an easily camped building, added to that they have a respawn zone just meters away from the core goal.
Spire is too heavily weighted towards coordinated teams to play well in matchmaking--with a full team we got something like a 12 win streak because we voted for spire every time. Boneyard is a really great map and it requires coordination but isn't to harsh on uncoordinated teams. I haven't played breakpoint because I'm cheap like that but I've heard it's really good. Overall I'm a bit disappointed with invasion after the initial hype wore off I don't know about community maps in the playlist since I haven't played in a while, but it could really use some by more experienced forgers who don't seem all that interested in invasion now.
i dont have the map packs so i say boneyard, but i've heard lots of good comments about breakpoint, i guess i like breakpoint more since i know where all the vehicles and weapons are lol but i have more fun on this map, spire sucks [br][/br]Edited by merge: they've never added community maps to invasion, but they do use other maps for invasions slayer and spartan/elite skirmish, but thats kinda out of the question...
Breakpoint. -Good spawns for the attackers on the first wave unlike the long walks on boneyard and spire that can be camped from afar with a needle rifle or DMR. -Chance of not capturing the first wave on breakpoint is 1 on 10 which is good because it lengthens gameplay. - All power weapons and vehicles spawn out of reach for the other team, unlike the banshee/sniper/shotgun/rockets on spire and the tank that gets instakilled on boneyard when it leaves the garage.
Spire and Boneyard are both pretty horrible, and I do not have the map pack so I can't vote on that. It sounds pretty good.
I detest Boneyard. Phase one is a firing squad of Elite slaughter if the Spartan team is even remotely coordinated, phase two is in the bag for elites as long as the Wraith driver doesn't have brain damage as they can keep bravo safe from the vehicle bay area while the elites on the ground fire down the tunnel and phase three is a great way to showcase practically the entire Spartan armory but a bad one-sided struggle competitively. Spire I kinda feel apathetic about. Phase one can be beat by a coordinated Spartan team, but is still too difficult, though IMO Boneyard phase one is more easily defended. Phase two is "get a Spartan with armor lock into the territory" to avoid stickies and any other ordinance, and phase three is fun but dominated by the winner of the Falcon versus Banshee battle, usually Falcon if they get off the ground in time. Breakpoint is fun. Phase one is balanced, easy enough to attack but not given away like phase two Boneyard. Phase two is sometimes difficult as the bomb carrier has to cross over the snowy area with no cover while being harassed by Spartans, and is pretty pointless to try until papa Wraith steps in to help, at which point it becomes a tense objective, though it rarely stops the Elites. Phase three is core done right. Ordinance on both sides keeps it even, and allows many opportunities for team coordination without too harsh a consequence when teams don't work together. Plus all the cool effects like the relay changing colors and the bridges coming down. You can tell which one I voted for.
I haven't played Breakpoint, but it seems amazing and I suspect it will be my favorite. Spire is my current favorite, and I don't see the phase 1 issue, I greatly enjoy phase 1 and have rarely had a problem attacking, though it is campable from the top of the rocks I agree. Boneyard's first phase is just impassable; I have rarely gotten to play past it in matchmaking. Phase 2 is decent though I see little reason to attack the incredibly small second objective. Phase 3 has core camping and the tank face off, but is otherwise enjoyable. Overall, I tend to prefer several forge invasion maps over Spire or Boneyard, such as the Hushed Apprentice and Summit. And First Tracks I guess...