I'm going to the town in a hour or two to buy a new game. Which one should I buy!? I was thinking Maybe UT3 or GoW (I sold my origional gears of war and want to practice for GoW 2). Any other suggestions
UT3 is a fun game.Differnet pace to other games and warfare is a brilliant gametype. If your buying it on the console you should be fine.PC is nice too but mods are tricky to get working and lagless games are harder to find :S
I think you should wait. Wait for the games that are about to come. If I were you, I'd wait and get -Star Wars : Force Unleashed (maybe, I don't know if I should really get it...) -Banjo - Kazooie Nuts & Bolts (childhood memories!!) -HAWX (looks sweet!) -GoW2 (duh...)
Warning to everyone: Do not. I repeat. Do not buy Unreal Tournament III. Ever. This game sucks, period.