A month ago I made a big team vehicle combat map called Action Canyon. It was pretty good in Alpha, then I made some changes and saved it as a new map called Action Canyon 2 which I played a couple times. Last week I started on a new map called Umumir. I made sure I started building on a blank Forge World slate and wasn't overwriting anything when I saved it. Today I tried opening Action Canyon 2 in Forge and in Customs, but every time I try opening it, Umumir opens instead. The original Action Canyon opens fine, but I don't want to have to reapply the changes all over again. Anyone know what the problem is? Can a map get "corrupted"?
The only thing I can imply from this is the possibility that you actually saved over your map when you thought you used a clean, new, Forge World Template. Other than the fact that I believe a map file can become corrupted. As this happened to me, but only I actually forgot to load a new template. How far were you into your map? A good map takes a while to forge, including the testing, tweaking and editing.
This is a known glitch with the Reach file system that should have been patched long ago. I don't know if anyone knows for certain what causes it though. Basically, sometimes when you do "Save" (as opposed to "Save as new map") from Forge, it saves your map file over top of a different map. Subsequently when you pull up this other map, the one you just saved comes up instead; and if you bring up that other map, it is an old version without the changes you made. To avoid this problem, it's suggested to do the following: 1. Use "save as new" whenever possible rather than just "save." You can delete the excess map files at your leisure. "Save as new" seems to never cause this problem. 2. Make backups of any of your maps you really don't want to lose. Every map I've ever forged has two copies in my map files - I always make a backup under an altered name after doing substantial revisions. 3. Reload your map before working on it. If you go into forge and see that a map you want to work on is the active one, just go into your maps folder and select it again anyway before starting to forge. This seems to help with the glitch. Now as for what you can do... you might be hosed, sorry. This usually happens to the last map you forged on prior to the current one (in my experience) so if you were working on Action Canyon 2 at all recently, or played a custom game on it, it might be listed in your temporary files with the revisions. You can save it from there. But if you haven't actually worked on or played this map in a long time, the changes you made are most likely not saved anywhere now. You're lucky to have a backup of the original - just redo your changes.
Fortunately only about two hours of effort went into upgrading the map to its newest version so I'll just redo it when I have the time. I'll remember to Save As New from now on... ****.
Yep, happened to me several times. It is the absolute worst, but after the first one, I started saving quidlets of my maps.