No. It's not even close to the same game variant. Removing VIP was the first mistake Bungie made with Reach. And now 343 just followed them right down the sewer. In stead of leaving the great, and versatile games alone, they took them out and replaced them with less customizable games and options. Hopefully 343 will turn things around and offer some of the these games as a DL. That would be smart on their part. If they don't and they just ignore the community, it will be the last 343 game I buy.
Regicide was just a way for them to make FFA way harder lol. Now if your king you get bum fu*ked all the way but in FFA reach and h3 you had to pay attention to your scoreboard or just slay everyone. Now yes they took out alot of game types but like said on page 1 Dominion will be a game type that is forgable for minigames of some caliber of variants. Now yes Invasion is gone and i loved that gametype but like said mb just mb they will add some to a DLC for the game. PS. Where the F*$k is forgeworld, this small a canvas to work with Erosion is like the only good one to forge on.
Have you even tried? The forge maps are great IMO, and foundry? really? Now that was an horrendous forge map.
I agree with you, the forge maps are great but I have no inspiration right now. Reach and halo 3 I had like a billion ideas but I really can't come up with anything for halo 4 right now. I was going to make a huge space station but i'm guessing like everyone has thought of that already.
People have the weirdest confusion when nostalgia is involved. Foundry was annoying to forge on for about a million reasons: small; ugly textures; most of the objects were the same color (that's a forge tradition though) and hard on the eyes; the edges of the map were needlessly painful to forge with due to being weirdly shaped and having stuff sticking into the map, requiring either creative object use or difficult geo-merging to deal with; pretty severe budget/object limit unless you used a glitched canvas; very limited palette compared to Reach/Halo 4, or even compared to Sandbox for god's sake; and of course, no phased physics. Hating on Halo 4 forge is one thing - I certainly have my issues with it - but Foundry was only "good" because it was all we had, and because it was better than placing crates on a completely pre-made map.
I agree but Foundry had a certain charm to it and some of the most creative maps and games I have ever seen stemmed from it. The quality of some maps was absolutely unreal and you had to know your stuff if you wanted to forge in halo 3 so when you did see good map it was a really damn good map.
I do recognize that there is a playlist, but this has nothing to do an apology. SpartanPeter was in the wrong in that post given that such a playlist had not yet been confirmed/implemented. I believe this topic was also brought up in a different thread between me and SpartanPeter, and I consider it resolved.
In your attempt to prevent misinformation you neglected key evidence that was public knowledge. A video from IGN, with in-depth multiplayer designer commentary, showing the gametype a week before release isn't enough to 100% confirm for you? The only question that should have been asked was not if, but when. I'm all for being skeptical, I'm generally pessimistic, but you're the most wary person I've encountered on the internet. I mean if you grind the coffee beans and put them in the coffee maker do you instantly think "Well, it might not actually be coffee when it's finished brewing." I mean it might not taste good, but it's still coffee. And my prediction about Spartan Ops and their purpose to bridge the gap between Halo 4 & 5 is turning out to be true.