no offense, but you really just sounded like a total dweeb haha anywayz, just hit up the scarab competition... everyones doing it /peer pressure
That just makes me want to not do it as much cuz i have less of a chance. Plus, i'm not a screenshot taker.
Yeah, but bungie's not really that good a judge. /bungie burn I suppose it's better than sitting there pressing F5 over and over again hoping to see some kind of code.
Well, I go on my computer for about 2-3 hours on the weekend when I'm home. I do a lot of stuff on it. I can periodically check the site, so it's easier for me. I just found another code in last weeks update, but it was taken
Nosey 100 Ske7ch's file share Shishka's file share weekly update URL Those are the ones I found. All of those today. I should've gotten into codesearching sooner I will swarm this friday's weekly update! ... Say, none of you happens to have accidentally bought two copies of the Halo Wars LCE? <.<