sence bungie doesnt got owned by m$ when is the ps3 of halo coming out? i herd it was coming out next year but idk can u gus tell me? lil bro herd psp and wii versions r coming in december keep it a secret cuz he said bungie told him btw
Yeah, it's not... Bungie was owned by MS at one point but they aren't going to release it on PS3. Sorry.
lololbbqsauce yomtvrap didn't actually make a comment about his mod-li-ness.. srsly, lol. Oh, and no it is not going to ps3, soz, plz come again.
Supposedly your little brother works for Bungie so ask him. In the mean time though I want you to explain to me how someone with the maturity and intelligence of an 8 year old (there for probably is an 8 year old) has a little brother that works for one of the most popular game developers out there.
Halo 3 won't be coming to the PS3. Technically, Microsoft still owns the royalties (or something similar) to the Halo franchise. Anything Halo will still be on the Xbox.
Halo 3, along with all Halo trademarks, are property of Microsoft Corporation, and not Bungie. So it's safe to assume that it probably won't come out for the PS3 or any other competing game console. Edit: And I didn't know you were so provocative.
How old are U (rhetorical question)? This is like a 7 year is asking these questions. I highly doubt they would make it for ps3 because the whole trilogy has been on the xbox. If they wanted to put it for ps3 they would probably reales the first and second first so gamers understand the story. Is your brother imaginary?
Thanks guys. Your incredibly thoughtful, intelligent, and carefully written replies have made me realize something - I'm nothing but a fool! You're absolutely right, I'm acting like an idiotic "7 year" (if I may paraphrase both of you). This entire turn of events has made me realize that I've hit rock bottom, but thanks to your wisdom I'm going to make a change. A change for you. Thank you for your time, and your words.
Calm down. Don't answer a flame with a flame. Report them. But answering back is a bit stupid, from your standpoint. With no offense meant, you're still a new member to the vast majority of the staff, and not many people will care what happens to you. Again, no offense meant, and I hope you get what I'm trying to say here.
I have an answer for this already. Halo will come out on PS3 when yomtvraps becomes a mod, which is never! But to be serious, Nemi's right, as usual. Haha besides, it seems like bungie would have to pay a lot of money to do such a thing.
lol gumby maybe it will come out when you get laid which will be wait for it... wait for it.... never.