Whats up. I am trademark. I am new to forgehub but i was on forging grounds. My XBL GT is iCrAk ViZoRzZ. And thats about it goodbye
Hello, and welcome to Forgehub. Hopefully you have read the rules, that way your experience here at forgehub can be your best. If you have any questions about how to post a map, or anything related to this site or halo3, I will try my best to help you out. Just send me a PM. Have a nice Day
Yes, Welcome to FH. Make sure you read the rules try to follow them. It's raining infractions here... Also If you wan't sigs check out the GnA thread. They'll be happy to give, or critique sigs. Thanks and have a great day.
Wat? Goodbye? Does tht mean you've left this site already?? Welcome to Forgehub, follow rules, don't be a troll. And if you do become one, then go hide 'neath a bridge.
Welcome to Forgehub! Make sure you follow all the rules and become a part of the great community we have here. If you have any questions PM me and I will try my best to help you out. I hope you enjoy your stay.
What ever you do.. Don't steal Insane's cookies.. Read the rules, bow to your masters, and live happily amongst Forge Hub.
Whaz up TM You already got a nickname haha. Oh and since I dont want to be the thread outcast I gotta say this, OBEY THE RULES!!!!!1!!111!!1!!1!