I cut my chin open, three times. In the exact same spot every time. When I was four I fell off a chair and cut it open. A few years later when I was seven I fell on a toy car and cut it open. And then when I was eleven I was skating and nailed the boards. If you're a hot girl, I got in a fight with my highschool QB. You should've seen him after. LOL
Right, you're aware that a ukulele is a small guitar thing and not a bone? Worst scar: When I got hit by a car on my bike and my leg got a huge bloody bruise. EDIT: Nowhere near as bad as the guy above though, who had the same thing happen. I only got knocked down by the car though. I had right of way, he was just stupid.
oh ****, that would suck. That's why I never let people touch my XM8 or M9. I didn't know the M700 could handle red gas though... Guess I know now. My worst scar has got to be from the 3 surgeries I had on my left elbow because I broke it once. I was riding my bike down a large hill with mud on both front and rear brakes about the size of an apple... So there's a construction crew at the bottom of the hill, and I'm trying to slow down, so I grab both brakes and nothing happens. I release and try again, and the front grabbed for a second. I went sideways, skidded down the pavement about 50ft, bike crashed over me. Afterwards, I got up and looked at my left arm and it looked like a Z... I'd broken it right above my elbow. So then the call to my parents, then 3 hours in the local ER, then they tell us to go to a pediatric hospital because I was 14. So then 5 hours at Sick Kids in Toronto. They did the surgery that night, put 3 pins in to keep it in place. When I woke up I couldn't feel below my elbow, they told me it would go away in a day or two. So a week later I start to have shooting pains which is a sign of nerve damage. So my parents call, the hospital says bring me in now, I had a second surgery within 3 hours, they replaced the pins because one of them had hit my Ulner nerve. Afterwards, I have a cast on for 5 weeks... Of course, I happened to be going on a cruise for a week and to hawaii for 2 weeks a couple days after my surgery... So that was fun not being to go in the water... After I got the cast off, my arm would bend only to about 90 degrees, and straighten about 15 degrees short of straight... The hospital kept saying oh it's just stiff, he'll get the movement back... Then I started having nerve spasms where I would be in incredible pain for days or weeks at a time. It was so bad I was prescribed Percocets and Oxycoton... After 4 months of the hospital telling me the pain was in my head, and the range of motion would come back, we went to get a second opinion. They did a 3D CT scan of my elbow, saw that I had abnormal bone growths where I'd broken it, and the bone had grown around the nerve and encased it, and had also got in the way of the joint preventing me from moving my arm. So 13 months after the 2nd surgery, a 3rd one was done where the surgeon went and orthoscopically scraped away the bone and scar tissue. Afterwards on was put on a CPM machone for 6 weeks and it basically just opened and straightened my arm continuosly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 6 weeks. Now my arm straightens out completely, and bends to about 115 degrees, while my other arm bends to 140 degrees. But atleast I got back most of my range and the pain is gone. Got some nice scars there now though. CPM Machine: After the bandages were removed:
When i was skateboarding i tried to do a heelflip over a 9 stair, my arm needed a shatload of stitches, i forgot how much but a lot. There was a ton of blood all over the staircase i thought i might die due to blood loss.
Back a few years ago, I was sleding. I had a lot of fun, but got hurt a lot. When I got home, I found that my birth mark (side of my hips) was covered with blood. I had a big scar for about 2 weeks.
I had surgery when i was six to have a cancerous mole removed from my right shoulder. Its a five inch long scar.
Like, over a year ago, I got stabbed in the side on my chest. Ribs took most of the impact, but it still ****ing hurt. Couldn't exactly tell my parents or go ER or anything because my parents would freak. No major organ damage, just mainly tissue and bone bruising. I broke the bastard's arm after though. Got a nice gash from it too. Win. Last time I stick up for a friend though.
Mine is a short story since it happened when I was little. My parents told me this. I was playing on the floor one day with my mom and she got up to fix dinner. I nori we the fire and started toward it. I grabbed the hot metal surrounding it. I kept my hand there for maybe three seconds and then started crying. Basically, I was a baby
I have a lot of scars but I think my airsoft scar was the worst. I was playing airsoft with my friends in his backyard, and since we live in hawaii and in a area full of filipino's, his backyard was kind of not airsoft worthy with wood boards and fence on the ground. Long story short, when his cousin came running at us with his gas gun, he told me to run but when I turned and ran about 5 feet, i fell and tripped on and old rusted nail in a board. I got a big gash in my leg but i didn't notice until a breeze was coming through my jeans. I had to get rushed to the hospital so they could take out the nail and treat my wound for rust pieces. Luckily, they rust barely got crushed and stayed intact and it missed my bone by less than 3 cm.
I once brok my collarbone whe i was playing a rugby warmup. The idea was to get out of a ring of people without getting touched. Me and another tagger smashed into eachothers shoulders trying to tag someone. My bone gets broken and he gets a tiny bruise. Then the people take me inside and put me on a bench for 20 mins. But you know how long that feels when your in shock? Like an hour. I kinda ruined my family's good record, noone had broken a bone for seven generations.
The entire front of my right shin is one big scar. You can hardly see it unless you know what you're looking for, and when you see it, you'll be amazed. When I was six or seven, I was at a daycamp, and after lunch I decided to run down the bleachers: simple task when you're as coordinated as I am. I make it most of the way down when I accidentally bump into a girl having lunch next to me. I turn to apologize, but my body fails to realize this, and momentum keeps me moving. I fall and sheer all of the skin on the front of my shin off. The best part? I got no stitches. We saturated it with Bactine and triple antibiotic ointment and put gauze on it, and about a couple days later it had finally fully scabbed over. The scar, if you can see it beneath the leg hair, is about three inches long now, and is a solemn reminder to never run down rotting-out wooden bleachers.
When I was about 10 I was on my friends trampoline. It looked like that, except that it was around this shed he was building with his dad. So we decide to quadruple bounce me (4 people jump at the same time as me and I get a lot of air) and see how many flips I could do. So they do it, and i mess up. We try again, and I launch. I flew really fast and high. All of a sudden, while still in the air, my friend is like "HOLY ****" and I realize I am over the net. So I am about 15 feet in the air and come falling straight down onto a cinder block directly into by arm, which got me 23 stitches, a concussion, a broken wrist, and a puncture wound from a nail in my shoulder. I have nerve damage. =(
i sliced the top of my foot open with a toy lawnmower when i was like 7... bout as intense as it gets. WELL... i DO have a few scars on ma **** from a few interesting nights.. You know how it is.. Actually you dont. Girls went wild!
About a year ago at football practice i tried to stiff arm someone and my arm sort of crumpled when i hit him. it turned into a big U . i ended up going to the doctor where they had to break my arm again to get it to go back straight but didn't have to cut in or anything. to tell you the truth it was kind of cool because i wasn't put to sleep or anything they just numbed it so i got to watch .
I don't actually have a scar from this, but when I was...five, or something, I was bouncing on a trampoline. Now, this seems fine enough, but me being this ****tard I am, I was looking over the neighbours fence while doing bouncing. I noticed that their dog was EATING IT'S OWN ****. I was so intrigued by this that I didn't notice I was bouncing closer to the edge. I eventually fell, fractured my wrist and felt like an idiot.