This thread is intended for anyone to talk about a broken bones, or deep cuts or any horrid scars youve had in the past or present. My Story: It was February and I just woke up for school, 6:20 a.m. if you want to get technical, anyway it was the morning and I had just finished taking my shower and getting dressed when I leaned on my closet door and it came off the hinges. I couldnt open or close it so I mine as well just get it out of the way so i did, but as I was carrying it out of my room I didnt notice a light fixture above me, after all I couldnt of seen it, I was moving a 35 lb door, and I hit the light with the corner of the door,it broke and all this glass fell on me and one piece hit me in a spot that you dont want glass to hit... My eye. It looked like this after the bleeding stopped: Then after I got it my parents made me go to school, and you know its awesome showing girls a scar on your eye(not being sarcastic), but after school I went to my eye docter, he said it would be fine after a week and that it barely missed my pupil also that theres no glass in it, and after he said that he gave me anti-biotics (drops I had to put in eye four times a day for a week). After a week passed I got a permanent mark on my and it just tells me I was lucky.And yes I can see just fine. Okay well thats my story I didnt make it up so you better not either. P.S. pics are highly acknowledged (mine was took with my phone)
Holy ouch ****ing pain. Glass in your eye? Jeeze that would have really hurt. I don't have a major scar, just a bunch from my days cooking. Culinary school and working in a kitchen can give you many scars. Although I do have one that goes across my eyebrow. It's probably my most prominent scar. I took a deep cut to my brow and had to get stitches. Story is: Someone from my school didn't like me, long story, shorter version is that him and I got in a fight. He pulled out a knife and tried to cut me. After a few times he got me across my left eyebrow. A nice deep cut with quite the amount of blood. I got him back though. I hit the knife out of his hand and then when he went to punch me I grabbed his hand and broke it. A few fingers too. He stopped fighting. Anyways, long story short, he cut me and I broke his hand. I'm glad I took Karate classes. Thats how I knew how to break his hand. Anyway, story is over. Your scar really sucks, did you go to the hospital for it? Also, I don't have a picture, but if you want I could take one or find one.
Well after I got it my parents made me go to school, and you know its awesome showing girls a scar on your eye, but after school I went to my eye docter, he said it would be fine after a week and that it barely missed my pupil also that theres no glass in it, and after he said that he gave me anti-biotics (drops I had to put in eye four times a day for a week). After a week passed I got a permanent mark on my and it just tells me I was lucky.Oh and I see just fine. P.S. pics are highly acknowledged, AND now I copied and pasted this on the original post, this was not intended to be a double post for any reason what so ever, it was intended to be a reply, until further thinking
Dude. That sucks. Well here is my story. I am boiling some eggs for Easter in the morning. I was kind of drowsy because I had just woke up. I grabbed the boiling pot to pour the water into the sink. I should have left it to cool on the stove, but instead I walked it over to the sink and the oven mitt slipped. I dropped the hot water all over my thigh, and it was burning almost instantly. I ran to the bathroom panicking and turned the bath water on cold while I told my parents. I just sat there in the bath running cold water over my thigh. The skin started to get all thin and it came off little by little, leaving melted skin and a giant red rash on my thigh. Luckily, it was only a 2nd degree burn, so we didn't have to go to the ER. After awhile, I stopped the water and put a burn bandage on it to ease the burning sensation. It hurt like a *****. Eventually it scabbed over, but it was all gooey, yellow, and there was thin skin just there at the edge of the burn area. When it healed, there was this smooth, kind of wrinkled, spot on my thigh. It's still smooth and wrinkly where the burn used to be. I've got many more scars, but that would have to be one of my worst.
Lul get this. About 3 years ago I was at a Halloween party and you know fog machines, strobe lights going, it gets hectic. So my friend decides to hit me, so I turn and start running after him, within 30 seconds I found myself on the floor because I ran right into a wall. I get up and blood rushes down my face, so I freaked out. I immediately get up and run into the room where everyone was and I asked if anyone could drive me to the hospital. Considering it was Halloween day everyone thought it was fake blood and started laughing. After a while of me bugging people they realized it was real and I got a ride to the hospital where I had to wait in the waiting room for 2 hours, bleeding from my forehead. They decided to use this super glue stuff instead of stitches and the nurse ends up super glueing her glove to my head.... she then ripped it off making it bleed again. I got it re-glued and went back to the party.
DUDE that is nice, i like the super glue thing, but I know how it feels to rip super glued stuff off you... I do it all the time.
I have a couple, but no pics because my camera is dead and Idc to like... take pics... 1) When I was in first grade we had an assignment. I had to make a book shelf that would hold... books lol. So I was decorating my shelf and was poking holes in the box with a pen. I was bracing the box with my hand and... well, to put it frankly, the next minute the pen was all of the way through the palm of my left hand. I had to get stitches, and now I have a circular scar on my palm and back of hand. However, after a while it has become pretty faint... 2) Was at camp and to be quick, I fell and a few pebbles scaped into my knee about a centimeter in... it healed though and now there is a faint scar. 3) More recently, burned my forearm on an oven. The mark is still there, was about a year ago... That's about it as far as I can say, unless you count the small dot of a scar on my finger from being hooked by a fishing hook lol.
I have a small scar on my chin from a dog bite (it was a pet with its shots, so no worry of rabies) STORY: I was spending the night with my friend, I pet their terrier, next thing i new my chin was a geyser of blood. I guess i was in shock causs at that time id cry if i scraped my knee... (ok i still have that prob) Another time was when I broke my hand. story: my mother worked at the school when i was in kindergarden, after school i was crawling under desks, and then a chair fell on my hand=
Eh, when i was in about 1st grade I was playing bomberman on the computer and I killed my friend and he pushed me in a friendly way but I was on the edge of the chair and fell backwards and my head hit a pole on the edge and left a scar on my head. Thats all, <- oh scratch that. When I was three I got bit in the face by a dog and i have a scar on my face, but its not that noticable, well I guess it is if you look at my face close
In 6th grade, we had a patch of trees we used to call 'The Forest' because we thought it was so big then. Anyway, running late after recess, I try to jump over a tree, trip over my shoelaces, then smash my leg into the big termite-infested tree trunk, fall over it, and smash my leg again on another tree. It didn't even hurt, it just became numb, so I just ran to class, where a girl noticed my pants leg had turned completely red with blood and started screaming and stuff. I didn't really notice or anything but I ended up rushed to a ER with like 12 stitches in my leg or something....
Heres the rub ~ You know poop noodles, right? Well, my brother and I were having a (game) fight with them, and I started owning my brother. He's older, and bigger too. So he kinda went berserk and grabbed me by the neck and threw me to the ground. I stupidly put my hand behind me to break my fall. I cleanly broke my right arms radius and ulna ( the two bones that make up your forearm) lolololoolololol I also did a faceplant on a sidewalk and had to get stiches on my forehead
This one time, I fell on my ukulele and had to get rushed to the Emergency Room and got stitches. It kinda sucked. Not because, I was hurt or anything, but because I broke my ukulele.
When I was like 4 or 5 my friend and I were playing with a bouncy ball he throws it to me and it goes into some long grass. I reach into the long grass and instead of finding the bouncy ball, I find shards of glass from a smashed beer bottle. I pull my arm out and look at my wrist only to realise there is a big cut with blood spewing out like crazy, I run to my house and show my parents they start freaking out and rushed me to the hospital. Long story short a doctor stitches it up for me and now I have a scar on my left wrist reminding me to be more careful in the future. Good times. I also have a scar on the back of my head but that is a story for another time.
Lolfail. That sucks. Anyone accused you of being emo? steriotipe lol Spoiler You'll allways find broken beer bottles in Ireland, mostly from the drunkards and the fights
when i was three i was running around the backyard having a blast. Swinging on the swingset, swimming in the blue kiddie pool with built in slide, sliding down the slide. Having a great time. What could go wrong? Well, i was running through tall grass to get to the pool, and i remember a sharp pain in my foot. Turns our i stepped on piece of wood with about a 1/2 inch screw protruding from it. When all the way through, breaking a bone on the way. I was rushed to the ER where my foot was bathed in some sort of cleansing oil, with no pain dimmers. Then they had to remove the screw from my foot, i believe they gave me some morphine, but i watched it happen. I didnt really know what was going on, but thinking about it now is scary. Then the doctor supposeby asked my dad what color cast i want, he said pink. I was stuck with a bright pink cast for about a month, thats the worst part. I have a perfect circular scar on my foot due to the accident. It sucked.
worst scar for me is i was in the second grade, i was visiting my auntie at her farm. Of course i was young so i wanted to go for a tractor ride, when we got in a was leaning against the side because there is only on chairs and she closes the door and my hand happened to be there. So i was crying, bleeding and i have to go to the hospital. Fortunately since i was young my bones were less prone to breaking so i just got a scar from some stitches because i had a nice big cut on my finger. So for 4 weeks i had this huge bandage around my middle finger. number two: i was playing camouflage with my friends in as back alley and i ran into a bush where their happened to be a wire holding up a baby tree, got a nice cut and a little scar Number 3: Me+bike+Fail= HUGE BEARCLAW
So there I was, in the 3rd grade. I was the man! I got chicks like nothing, through use of showing off my manliness. So one day I was like, I'm going to pick up a bee. So I got my friend to locate one for me. (Because he's my wingman) He finds one eventually, and calls for some of his other friends. So I'm like," Awesome, more peeps to watch the awesomeness." So I see it, and it lands on a flower or something. And I grab it really quick. And KABLAM! The stinger is deep inside of my left hand. Like 95% of the entire stinger was lodged inside of my hand. It was nasty. And my hand was bleeding profusely. So I take it out, and it leaves this 1 inch scar on my left hand forever. Edit: Mine sucks, I've never broken any of my bones and all you guys have like broken tibias and shards of glass shanked in your livers. saddd faaiiiiccceeeeeeee