Style: Yes Shirt: Optional, I usually rock my buddys clothing line "Assassin Fight Wear" Pants: Guess, Diesel Hat: **** your hat Shoes: Arnold Palmer, K-Swiss, Accessories: I have 2 white gold chains I wear always, usually tucked in. I also have a couple Esquires (White or Black face) depending on the scene. Diesel Belt. I also always carry a knife (CRKT cant leave home without it), Leather Bomber Jacket
style: Casual shirt: Short sleeve with hoodie pants: Track pants (nike or puma) hat: no shoes: slip ons accessory: always have my iphone on me
style: Guy? shirt: Mostly my "iPood" shirt pants: Jeans hat: not a hat person.. like to show off my hair lol shoes: converse accessories (optional): phone, glasses, and pocket knife sometimes
average day? casual. any number of t shirts jeans. my casual converse all stars (yes, i have a formal pair) 4.99 ray ban rip-offs. dressed to impress? pinstripe suit a la thrift store. NO TIE. (****ing noose) my formal cons (suede and leather) fedora.
Style: Pull something out of wardrobe and hope for best. Srsly, casual. Shirt: Dark T-shirts, Leather jacket if cold Pants: Jeans, or shorts if warm Hat: N/A Shoes: Runners. Accessories: Watch.
Shirt: Band-tees or striped shirts (they're the only thing I find appealing.) Pants: Plaid shorts mostly (I hate pants) Hat: badass monster hat (it really is) Shoes: vans, DCs (though I haven't skated in years) Accessories: My phone and iTouch (even occasions when I know I wont use them)
Syle: Athletic? not quite sure... Pants: Jeans or cargo shorts Shirts: Premiership league tees or band tees Hat: noez Shoes: White puma turf shoes accessories: usually not, but sometimes i wear a colorado ODP jacket, or carry a sackpack
Shirt - Light green shirt Pants - Incredibly short light green shorts Accessories - Crocodile Get it?