I have a 50 in MLG on 4 accounts so far. I'm trying to get it up on my 1st account (PhantomBishop), but it's level locked so it's stupid. lol
I go in alone unless I am playing with my friends on their MLG 50 accounts but I'm level locked somewhere around 37 now. I have about 115 wins and like 20 losses. :-\
Donii, you can get level locked. It happens when you have a high number of total losses and a majority in the playlist where you have the locked level. Still a 41 on my first... Second account is a 34 cause I stopped plAying on it. Probably going to make another one for the hell of it.
Still 41 on my main and a 32 on Amercan IZ LOLN. I was a 35, but Quiga and I have been going in as 2's.
Iv got a 29, I play MLG/Team Snipes/Team slayer mostly. I started getting into it recently, and i went from a 10 to a 29 in about 2 weeks.
39 currently I got it to a 40 going in alone, but then it dropped to 35 in a weekend I played rusty...
29 or something. I love MLG but i never go in with a team so i always seem to lose. Oh well, its all fun.
50 going in solo. It really isnt that hard, you just have to be able to adapt to fit your teammate's style but not expect them to adapt to yours.
50 but with a good team xFaTaLiTyyy, Revenge Revenge, and K For Koala without them I could not have done it.
Mine is a 35 but I don't play it too often because I get matched with kids who don't know callouts too often.