Hey guys what is your favorite map on the mythic mappack i think orbital because of all the hallways and stuff and for forging i think that Sandbox well of course. I was dissapointed with Assembly because i thought there would be new forge items. Also i think Machinima makers like John Graham <Digital Ph33r>would like Orbital
Boo digital ph33r boo i say. (Get a voice actor or two.Im sick of watching him talk to himself for 5 minute episodes) Although i must say i like orbital over assembly. And i believe Roosterteeth have stated in their videos that they wish they'd had it for the reconstruction finale
Both Digital Ph33r and Roosterteeth are awesome! ( although Ph33r never seems to finish a series ) I would have to say Orbital. It looks simply amazing and has so much detail. I also like small cramped maps with lots of tunnels!
Overall, I like sandbox the best, but I'm a forger, so my vote doesn't count for that. Like you all, I like orbital over Assembly because it's better aesthetically.