This is a little tough for most people, so don't give up. Go on Lone Wolves in MM, and try to get a map with a Mongoose in it. Probably the best map would be High Ground. Then just try to splatter someone with a mongoose. Sometimes, there will be others trying to do the same thing, so it makes it easier.
i would actually love to see a pelican in the new maps thats drivable......but itd have to be a pretty frikkin big map.....kinda like Sandtrap
the mongoose because its fast and i like just getting in one just to drive around their some much funz XD XD X D
I said the mongoose and the warthog as my favorites. I also choose the hornet because of what will happen with it on Avalanche. The Elephant is another vehicle I also like.
yeah the elephant is great but im not gonna like what they are going to do to the Hornets on the new upcoming maps. I liked the Hornets better when they had missles.
I'd rather have a nerfed Hornet than no Hornet at all. The Hornet will now need to rely on the two passengers more. Can you imagine dropping people off at the base and then picking up the flag up with the Hornet? It will be like having a small pelican.
I would have to say that the Mongoose, Ghost and Warthog are the best. I like them because they're agile and can go at speeds faster than most other vehicles. The Mongoose is the best for getting somewhere quickly while the Ghost is the best for some quick kills/splatters on High Ground. I think the 'Hog is great because it has alot of firepower, moves quickly, holds three players/NPCs and is easy to drive.
Moongoose, towards me , must be the best vechicle because of racing, carrying objective items, and able to go to places quickly. ((Not much as ghost, but you get where I'm going with this.)) Mongoose must be the best UNSC vechicle. The best Covenant vechicle must be the Ghost.
Lol, i would also like to add another reason why the ghost is my favorite vehicle. I like it because it can fit in many small places that weren't meant to have vehicles. The mongoose is pretty small too but because it doesn't have boost, it cant go into as many places.
We need a Pelican or two in a map and the map needs to be like 10 times the size of Sandtrap that has lots of Vehicles, and you can respawn in the Pelican
Chopper. Theres actually nothing more hilarious than splattering full warthogs, or mongeese, or ghosts, or wraiths... The list goes on. I mean who's the genius at bungie who designed it to SPLATTER vehicles?
scorpion and hornet. two sweet vehicles in the new map avalanche. especially since they will b snow covered and camooooooooed