i'm planning on making my first official forgehub map, and i want it to include some of the best parts of the best maps on infection. does anyone know some cool stuff off your fav maps because i would really like to know what makes an infection map good ps. not planning on copying, just need inspiration.
Most maps that are based on infection gametypes feature a lot of hiding spots or places that aren't easy for zombies to get to, which makes things challenging and surprises those who think "The zombie will never get me here". Also, some maps feature an "endurance" style of infection. In other words, players travel through a passageway or maze and hold down zombies and/or continue through from getting infected (it works with big parties as those that lead in the group don't worry about the others getting infected behind him). Some examples of infection maps are "Micael Jackson" (only available at bungie.net), and "Sabres Journey" (can be found here at Forgehub.com).
I'd have a look around the map database or the casuals section, this is a pretty opiniated discussion but I guess that's the point. Anyways these are my favorite Help's on the way right by chrstphrrbrnnn and X5 Reason: Difficult, hard to camp great aesthetics. I don't really know why, but something about it makes me love it. When Left 4 dead came out, me and my friends dubbed this map, 'tank training'. ODS3 by rifte gifle Reason: Very quick paced, great gameply, there's a ****ing drop pod, definetly a challange if you have 16 people. Township* by something. Reason: I like how you have to camp in a building in order to survive, it's nice and challenging, I like the theme of it. I haven't gotten bored of this yet. Erebus Beta by CCPybus Reasonriving around in a mongoose to avoid zombies? Yes please. YOu can find all these maps on forgehub.
Township* is a great map, it has a ton of buildings and hidden weapons with scarse ammo. Great map. I haven't tried ODS3 yet but that looks pretty interesting. Just make sure theres NO amories (Room stashed with tons of weapons), that usually can break the best of infection maps.