Lamborghini just adds the scissor doors stock to make them look more fancy and expensive, doesn't mean they're the only things they look good on. (Shanon)
If it's on the right car, teenagers who waste their money on slapping them on their 1990's accords look retarded.
Umm.. no. I work at a shop where we've done Lambo doors on cars. It's stupid. The signature Lambo doors should stay on a Lambo... Because it's a Lambo. Anything else makes you look like a tryhard, as well as an idiot who spends money on retarded things. tl;dr Lambo doors on Lambos. Nothing else.
McClarens have "Lambo Doors", and take a look at this. I think it looks pretty good as opposed to most of the crap you see it on.
Yes I know, I'm saying that not all cars look like crap with Scissor Doors, that was an example of one that I think looks decent. Anyways, It's pretty dumb how people believe that anything that comes stock with Scissor doors, it looks good on, but add it to ANY car that has different doors to begin with, and people think it must be a retarded waste of money. Mustang Giugaro. "It's a mustang with scissor doors it can't be good!" Well, it is.
AMGs are a waste of money, all of them are closed off at 250km/h, my renault clio is able to drive 250km/h, if you buy a car with such a power like the SLS, you at least want to drive as fast as you want, don't you?
In that case, get a ****ing SLS AMG! But wait for the Black Series model Or I could steal you one, affalterbach, where AMGs get produced, is around 50km from where I live